Priests for Life joins Life Dynamics in calling for abortion doc’s license to be revoked

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life has joined Life Dynamics, Inc., in calling for the revocation of an abortion doc’s medical license after he returned a 12-year-old child to her rapist after he performed an abortion on her. In addition, Life Dynamics is also requesting a criminal investigation. (read here) Help protect…

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life has joined Life Dynamics, Inc., in calling for the revocation of an abortion doc’s medical license after he returned a 12-year-old child to her rapist after he performed an abortion on her.

In addition, Life Dynamics is also requesting a criminal investigation. (read here)

Fr Frank Pavone

Help protect underage girls in Florida from sexual predators and abortionists who look the other way

December 4, 2014
Fellow Pro-Lifer,

Sexual predator Jermaine Jones is serving a 15-year prison sentence for raping his girlfriend’s 12-year-old daughter in 2009. But what became of the doctor who performed a 24-week abortion on that child – and then returned her to Jones and broke Florida law by failing to report an abortion on a minor?


Does that strike you as wrong?


Our close friends and colleagues at Life Dynamics came across this story while researching ways the abortion industry covers up child sexual abuse. This case was even more shocking than most. ( read Life Dynamics’ report here)

Two abortion clinics, both members of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), should be shut down for failing to report the rape of a minor.

Abortionist Michael Benjamin should be out of work instead of pocketing blood money as he continued to kill more unborn children.

Here are the basics of the story.

Jermaine Jones raped Janet Marshall’s 12-year-old daughter in June 2009. In November, her mother took her to the All Women’s Health Center in Gainesville, but was turned away because the girl’s pregnancy was too far advanced.

The NAF hotline then referred Marshall and her pregnant daughter to Benjamin’s office in Tamarac, FL, a six-hour drive away. NAF also helpfully noted that the organization would cover most of the cost of the abortion.

Jones, Marshall and the 12-year-old rape victim traveled together to Tamarac for the multi-day procedure. The Florida Board of Medicine later determined that Benjamin’s “counseling” session with the pre-teen victim lasted six to eight minutes.

According to a report from the Alachua County Sherriff’s office, “There is concern why the medical staff in Tamarac that met with (name redacted) did not notify DCF,” referring to the Florida Department of Children and Families.

In January 2011, the Florida Department of Health filed an administrative complaint against Benjamin for his failure to report the sexual abuse of a minor.

In April 2014, Benjamin was fined $10,000, ordered to attend classes about mandatory reporting, and his medical license was put on probation for two years.

Then, in a bizarre twist, he was put under the supervision of another Florida abortionist, Frank Rodriguez.

In 2006, Benjamin and Rodriguez had worked together at another NAF clinic where a very similar situation happened. Underage girl, adult predator, abortion, failure to report. The predator, this time a teacher, got five years in prison.

Benjamin and Rodriguez were allowed to continue business as usual.

This kind of criminality is what we find when we dig into the toxic soil of legal abortion. This kind of thing goes on all the time. In fact, a staffer at the Tamarac clinic, when asked why no one reported that a 12-year-old girl was pregnant, commented: “Maybe we’ve been hardened with so many kids coming in.

For once, an abortion worker is telling the truth.

If you are as outraged as we are, please join us in demanding the permanent revocation of Benjamin’s license to practice medicine.

Please contact the office of Florida Health Secretary John Armstrong and demand that Benjamin’s license is permanently revoked.

So please click here for the information on how to make that phone call or send that email today. And please send this email to as many people as you can!


Fr. Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life
PO Box 141172
Staten Island, NY 10314
Phone: 888-PFL-3448
Fax: 718-980-6515

READ Life Dynamics’ detailed summary of abortionist Michael Benjamin’s actions here.


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