Episode 132 | Responding To Pro-Choice Comments / Arguments – Volume 2

Episode 132 | Responding To Pro-Choice Comments / Arguments – Volume 2

Listeners who enjoyed episode 66, where we respond to pro-choice comments on Instagram, will be in for a treat this week. On this episode of the Pro-Life America podcast, we respond to pro-choice arguments and comments made by pro-choicers online. From tweets, to videos, to Reddit threads, to YouTube comments, we searched for some of the best examples of pro-choice logic. Enjoy!

Episode 86 | Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempts To Control The Narrative

Episode 86 | Abortion Lobby’s Desperate Attempts To Control The Narrative

Think the pro-choice side is winning? Think again. New articles and ad campaigns prove that the abortion lobby is desperate to change the narrative surrounding abortion. We discuss this, their language manipulation, and how the mainstream media helps push their message as well as insulate them from bad publicity.