New on LifeTalk: Do Pro-Choicers Actually Hate REAL Choice?
The pro-choice side worried, and their new strategy questions whether they ever actually supported REAL choice…
The pro-choice side worried, and their new strategy questions whether they ever actually supported REAL choice…
In a long awaited victory for historic Selma, Samuel Lett’s illegal abortion clinic, The Central Alabama Women’s Clinic, has closed.
Co-hosts and Thomas Messner, discuss the constitutionality of Roe v Wade, the “Viability Rule” and the states right to limit or ban abortion.
The lead investigator behind the undercover Planned Parenthood videos said abortion clinics ship fully intact fetuses to procurement company, Stem Express
A New Mexico pro-life group is calling for their state to investigate Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics over the possible harvesting of aborted baby parts. Protest ABQ along with other local leaders say that their state is the “late term abortion capital of the nation.” As a result, they claim that there is a…
Tuesday, January 27, 2015, the world recalled 70th years since the liberation of the horrific Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. A national pro-life leader says that one day abortion clinics will be viewed with the same horror. According to the Holocaust Memorial Museum: Auschwitz I was constructed to serve three purposes: 1) to incarcerate real and…