Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Episode 76 | The US Postal Service Spy Ring & Other Shady Business

Has the USPS spied on you? What would once be an absurd thought is now something that has even the liberal outlet Politico asking questions. We discuss this and other shady business in the news right now such as: abortion clinics requesting ambulances with no lights or sirens for injured women, the hypocrisy of the Dallas Morning News, and Kamala Harris’s video endorsing Terry McAuliffe that is slated to be shown at 300 churches – despite the fact it violates the Johnson Amendment.

4th Ambulance called to abortion clinic mentioned in Planned Parenthood video

Pro-lifers are reporting that an ambulance was called to the notorious Family Planning Associates abortion clinic in California. Yesterday, pro-lifer Terri Palmquist was outside FPA Women’s Health abortion clinic in Bakersfield, California and documented what took place. Palmquist who runs Lifesavers Ministries with her husband Tim, said there have been 4 ambulance transports at that…

Abortion doctor to 911 “we need someone immediately!”

In newly released 911 tapes placed by an abortion clinic, the abortion doctor can be heard telling the emergency operator that “we just need someone immediately.” Last week, Life Dynamics reported that an ambulance was summoned to transfer a patient from a California abortion clinic. The clinic was the FPA Women’s Health abortion facility in…

4 ambulances called to Houston Planned Parenthood in 30 days

According to Operation Rescue, four ambulances have been called to the Houston mega center Planned Parenthood in the past thirty days. From the report: The Houston Coalition for Life is reporting that in less than 30 days, there have been four women rushed to a local hospital by ambulance from the Planned Parenthood Center for…

Conditions at Planned Parenthood abortion facility detailed during inspection hearing

Conditions at a Planned Parenthood abortion facility have been published after several ambulance calls prompted a lawmaker to introduce clinic inspection legislation. The Missouri House approved a bill by a vote of 119-35 on Wednesday that requires abortion clinics to be subject to an annual inspection by the state’s health department The bill was introduced…

Ambulance transfers patient from California abortion clinic

Pro-lifers outside a Bakersfield, California abortion clinic yesterday documented a patient being loaded into an ambulance. Family Planning Associates is a chain of abortion clinics in California and the Bakersfield location commits abortions up to 13 weeks. According to pro-life activist, Terri Palmquist, who regularly side walk counsels outside the abortion clinic, ambulances have been…