R.I.P. Baby Otto

It is with a saddened heart we report that Baby Otto has died. Yesterday the family reported that something was wrong, “URGENT: they have discovered something wrong it Ottos intestines, and lots of blood in the stool. Taking him to st.louis childrens hospital for surgery! Pray for healing, dr. Wisdom, and safety as they all…

It is with a saddened heart we report that Baby Otto has died.

Otto 2_3042495311783188729_o

Yesterday the family reported that something was wrong, “URGENT: they have discovered something wrong it Ottos intestines, and lots of blood in the stool. Taking him to st.louis childrens hospital for surgery! Pray for healing, dr. Wisdom, and safety as they all travel!”

But, sadly, his parents lovingly posted this message to his Pray for Otto Facebook page only hours ago,”Otto was a little to excited to meet Jesus so he went and joined him today at 4:45.”

Otto dies

Otto Wilhite was born 3 months early on December 16th, 2014 to parents Erin and Dave Wilhite. He weighed 1 lb. and 10oz. and was only 13 inches long.

Some of the last pictures of Otto show his loving parents spending time with him:

Otto sucking moms finger

Otto and dad

Read Otto’s story here.

Baby Otto is testimony to the humanity of the preborn baby. His battle to hang onto life touched hundreds of people. His story remains with us all.

Please pray for the family as they grieve.


  1. anastacia says:

    Rest in peace little angel in the arms of Jesus. May the Lord comfort your parents.

  2. Rene' Lee says:

    I’m sorry for your loss. I know the time you spent with Otto will always be a treasured time. But at this time may God bless you with the strength to lean on Him first then each other, and finally you family and friends known and unknown. .

  3. So very sorry for your loss. I pray God will give you peace and strength as you mourn, as well as joy in knowing you will be reunited with him one sweet day.

  4. dancingcrane says:

    Keepong you all in prayer.

  5. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Keeping all of you in my prayers. I know exactly what you all went through with Otto. My girl was 1lb 3oz …So your story has touched me deeply. God Bless. Otto is safe now.

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