Privacy at risk: ObamaCare, like the abortion industry, works under cover of darkness!

On the December 2013 Life Talk TV show, the cast interviewed LifeSite News’ US Bureau Chief, Ben Johnson who has done a vast amount of research on the Affordable Care Act a/k/a/ ObamaCare and access unregulated Navigators will have to your private information. Johnson points out that abortion giant Planned Parenthood is one of the…

On the December 2013 Life Talk TV show, the cast interviewed LifeSite News’ US Bureau Chief, Ben Johnson who has done a vast amount of research on the Affordable Care Act a/k/a/ ObamaCare and access unregulated Navigators will have to your private information.

Johnson points out that abortion giant Planned Parenthood is one of the ObamaCare Navigators. He says that these navigators, who are not required to be back ground checked, can access your personal private information through a federal data hub.

Johnson asks what it would take to prohibit Planned Parenthood from accessing personal data on pro-life leaders pointing out that with ObamaCare, “If you like your privacy you can keep your privacy.”

Mark Crutcher, producer of Life Talk and president of Life Dynamics, calls ObamaCare a fraud and asks if having the IRS implement ObamaCare is a good idea.

Johnson answers Crutcher’s concerns by reminding the viewers that the IRS has become politicized, has recently targeted pro-life organizations and will now have access to additional personal data on all Americans.

Crutcher ends the interview by saying, “These are truly frightening times that we live in. This situation with ObamaCare, I don’t think that people truly realize how pervasive this thing is and what the potential risks are for this, for the whole country, not just for health care for everything.”

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, drew the conclusion that ObamaCare, like the abortion industry, works under cover of darkness, “Just like the abortion industry itself, it works under cover of darkness. They want to hide, distort, lie, cover-up, deceive, withhold, secrecy, darkness. And this is what the Obama administration has made this out to be,” he added.

Life Talk is a monthly pro-life TV show produced in Denton, Texas by Life Dynamics.

This month’s show is hosted by Life Dynamics President, Mark Crutcher, Priests for Life National Director Fr. Frank Pavone, Bloggers Destiny Herndon-DeLaRosa and Jill Stanek. Sitting in for Operation Rescue president Troy Newman is Leroy Dodd.


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