Pedophiles turn to abortion after they impregnate their victims

Men who sexually abuse minor children and impregnate them as a result of their rape often turn to abortion to cover-up their crimes. Life Dynamics has documented how the abortion industry cooperates with this cover-up by not reporting the pregnancy to authorities. This research can be found in our Child Predators Report available here….

Child Predator -2nd part

Men who sexually abuse minor children and impregnate them as a result of their rape often turn to abortion to cover-up their crimes. Life Dynamics has documented how the abortion industry cooperates with this cover-up by not reporting the pregnancy to authorities.

This research can be found in our Child Predators Report available here

As we discovered during our research, in almost every case of adult men having sex with minor girls, the perpetrators are aware that the relationship is illegal and could land them in prison. They also know that one of the most likely ways for them to get caught is for their victims to become pregnant. When that happens, their back up plan is inevitably going to involve abortion.

But, even in ceases where the child victim merely suspects she is pregnant, and is not pregnant, you will often discover that the rapist had plans to take the victim to an abortion clinic.

Despite the abortion industry’s willingness to cover for pedophiles some rapists even resort to “do-it-youself” abortion methods to hide their crimes.

Examples of this can be found in the following cases, which became public recently.

DePuydt David

An Arizona teacher who had sex with one of his female students used a ruler to induce an abortion after he impregnated her.

27 year old David DePuydt was a secondary teacher at Horizon Community Learning Center who, according to the indictment from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, had sex multiple times with the teen, including in the classroom and school bathroom.

According to Courthouse News, a lawsuit filed by the victim’s parents against the school reveal that the teen was 16 when Depuydt repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped her.

When she told Depuydt he had made her pregnant the lawsuits claims, “for the purpose of performing an abortion, defendant Depuydt repeatedly inserted a metal ruler into Jane Doe until she began to bleed profusely.”

Depuydt pleaded guilty in August to two counts of sexual conduct with a minor and two counts of attempted sexual conduct with a minor. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison and lifetime probation.


Meanwhile, a federal judge has sentenced a Colorado man to 60 years in prison for sexually assaulting a young relative beginning when she was only 7-years-old and recording her abuse.

62-year-old Mervin Edy Wolf pleaded guilty to charges of traveling with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and production of child pornography.

According to the criminal complaint, Wolf resided in California but moved to Colorado with his wife sometime after 1999 but would return to visit relatives. In September of 2007, Wolf began producing pornographic photographs of the minor child who lived in the home of California relatives.

Over the next seven years Wolf would force the child to perform and participate in an escalating pattern of sexual acts, which Wolf would photograph and/or videotape when he visited his relatives.

According to a release by the FBI, in January 2013, the minor child contacted Wolf via telephone and told him that she was afraid she may be pregnant due to his sexual activity with her. Wolf told the minor child he would pay for an abortion if she was in fact pregnant by Wolf. Wolf mailed two home pregnancy tests to the victim; after she took the tests, she learned she was not pregnant.

The victim, now 15, said she turned Wolf into police earlier in the year when she learned the pedophile was coming to visit, and she was afraid he might start abusing her sibling.

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