#71 – Why Many Rape Victims Say Abortion Was The Worst Decision They Ever Made
Abortion apologists say that when a woman is pregnant from rape she should not be forced to have the baby. Watch to see the two big flaws with this argument and why many rape victims say their abortion was the worst decision they ever made.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how abortion apologists say that when a woman is pregnant from rape she should not be forced to have the baby. Watch to see the two big flaws with this argument and why many rape victims say their abortion was the worst decision they ever made.
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Abortion apologists say that when a woman is pregnant from rape she should not be forced to have the baby. They are hoping we will ignore two things.
First, when a woman is pregnant, she is going to “have the baby.” Her only option is to have a live baby or a dead baby, and that does not change regardless of how she got pregnant. The second thing they want us to ignore is that this baby is not only the child of the rapist, it is also the woman’s child. And for her to take the life of that child will never undo or lessen the damage that was done to her. This is why many rape victims who had abortions say it was the worst decision they ever made, but those who didn’t have abortions almost never say they now wish they had. In fact, many of these women say that her baby is the only good thing that came out of this situation.
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More Abortion Distortions:
#77 – “God Allows Millions Of Miscarriages, So God MUST Be OK With Abortions.”
Some abortion supporters will say that, because pregnancies often end in miscarriage, this means that God is okay with children dying in the womb. Watch to see why this argument is just a textbook example of the mind games the abortion lobby has to play.
#70 – “Those Graphic Abortion Photos Are Fake!”
The pro-choice side goes ballistic anytime we show the public photographs of what an abortion actually looks like – and often claims that these images are fake. Of course the real question is, if the images are fake why don’t they just show the real images?
#37 – “You Can’t Be Pro-Life And Pro-Death Penalty!”
The abortion lobby says that the pro-life movement is hypocritical for supporting the death penalty.