Episode 28 | The Elections & Overturning Roe vs Wade

Episode Synopsis: As the elections get closer, it’s important that pro-lifers understand that simply overturning Roe might not end legalized abortion. Plus, we explain how the Black vote will play a huge role in the 2020 election and the tremendous opportunity the pro-life movement has right now. Episode Duration: 34 min In This Episode We…

Episode Synopsis:

As the elections get closer, it’s important that pro-lifers understand that simply overturning Roe might not end legalized abortion. Plus, we explain how the Black vote will play a huge role in the 2020 election and the tremendous opportunity the pro-life movement has right now.

Episode Duration: 34 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:25)
  2. Joe Biden’s Town Hall Pledge (1:08)
  3. Joe Biden is an Ex Communicated Catholic (4:43)
  4. What pro-lifers need to understand about overturning Roe vs Wade (5:58)
  5. Bringing failed policies to other states (9:06)
  6. How the Black vote will play a huge role in the 2020 election (12:57)
  7. The tremendous opportunity the pro-life movement has (18:24)
  8. Some important figures on black genocide (20:40)
  9. Trump is teaching the Republicans how to fight (24:47)
  10. Closing Statements (32:20)
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