Planned Parenthood doc admits to 40% of abortion market and recommends notorious clinic to buyer of baby parts

A Planned Parenthood doctor has admitted they have 40% of the abortion market and has recommended a notorious abortion clinic to buyers of aborted baby baby parts. Today Life Dynamics published a blog revealing a shocking investigation which exposes Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby body parts. But, Planned Parenthood may not be alone in…

A Planned Parenthood doctor has admitted they have 40% of the abortion market and has recommended a notorious abortion clinic to buyers of aborted baby baby parts.

Today Life Dynamics published a blog revealing a shocking investigation which exposes Planned Parenthood’s selling of aborted baby body parts.

Planned Parenthood sells aborted baby body parts CMP

But, Planned Parenthood may not be alone in this grisly business of chopping up the babies they kill through abortion.

In fact, in the full video footage uploaded by the Center for Medical Progress, Planned Parenthood Federation of America Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola suggests to “actors” posing as buyers from a human biologics company that they should inquire with other abortion chains.

The Planned Parenthood worker then suggests the Family Planning Associates (FPA) which has locations around California.

FPA bakersfield-ca

She also states that she has 67 Planned Parenthood affiliates which could offer fetal tissue specimens to a variety of research organizations.

In discussing the prices, abortionist Nucatola said baby parts average between $32.00 to $100.00. (6:57)

“You know, I’m going to throw a number out. I would say, it’s probably anywhere from $32 to $100.00 depending on the facility and what the space involved. It just has to do with space issues, are you sending someone there that’s going to be doing everything, or is there staff that could be doing it. What exactly are they going to be doing? Is there shipping involved? Or is some one coming to pick it up?”

“So, you know, I think, everybody just wants it to – it’s really just about – if anyone were to ask them well what do you do for this $60.00? How could you justify that? Or are yo basically just doing something completely egregious?”

“So, it just needs to be justifiable.”

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The investigative “actors” ask for locations that are “local” and will do abortions into the second trimester. (10:30)

nucatolastem Planned Parenthood FPA

“We have some affiliates that use Digoxin and or some other feticide…So, in general you’re probably going to be able to get to 20 weeks. It’s going to be very unusual to get a patient that’s above 20 weeks, I would say at the Planned Parenthood’s in California,” Nucatola says.

She does state that older babies are usually available from New York facilities.

The other thing, have you been speaking with Family Planning Associates at all in California?” (12:30)

Nucatola specifies that Planned Parenthood’s Orange Count and LA affiliates are already working with someone else.

Which is why I think Family Planning Associates [FPA] is an option because, I mean they go all the way to Bakersfield all the way as far as Orange County. You have a pretty broad range. They definitely go to 18 weeks…” she states. (14:20)


FPA, formerly the Family Planning Associates Medical Group, has had numerous abortion injuries which have been documented by pro-life counselors outside their facilities.

Nucatola said that offering the aborted baby parts to researchers helps the abortion clinics because, according to the abortionist, patients are requesting it.

Patients will call and make an appointment and say I’d really like to donate my tissue…In general, in health care, a provider isn’t going to begin to offer a service until there is a demand. And, there is a demand.” (54:00)

Women know that this is something that they can do,” the Planned Parenthood doctor states.

She then suggests that the “actors” spend their money getting women to want to donate the fetal tissue.

The other reason affiliates see this as a good thing is – it’s just less tissue that they need to worry about,” she states. (56:30)

“There are issues with disposable fetal tissue. Probably the biggest company that does this in the country is Stericycle. Anti-choice groups got the names and the addresses of the board of directors…But, that has raised an issue,” she said.

After a back and forth about the expense of disposing of both pathological and biological waste the conversation turns back to FPA and the market share Planned Parenthood holds in the industry.

“I’m telling you, Family Planning Associates? They may go for the money. Uh, private providers…they are definitely private clinics and that’s why exhibiting at NAF is great…Depends on the market. Most markets their volume is not to be compared to Planned Parenthood’s volume. We have 40% of the market in the whole country. Not that we’re trying to – we just do. ” she says. (1:05:11)


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