How is ISIS harvesting human organs different from abortion industry?
Reports that ISIS might be harvesting human organs from victims promoted one pro-life leader to ask how it’s different than what the abortion industry does? According to CNN, the Iraqi ambassador has suggested that ISIS is now in the business of harvesting human organs from their victims and selling them on the black market in…
Reports that ISIS might be harvesting human organs from victims promoted one pro-life leader to ask how it’s different than what the abortion industry does?
According to CNN, the Iraqi ambassador has suggested that ISIS is now in the business of harvesting human organs from their victims and selling them on the black market in Europe for profit.
The Iraqi envoy has called on the United Nations security council to investigate the claim.
On the March 2015 episode of Life Talk TV, host Mark Crutcher reminds his viewers that his organization, Life Dynamics, was the group that exposed the marketing of aborted baby body parts.
“Let’s think about it from this standpoint,” Crutcher said, “We’re the organization, that went undercover, and discovered that the abortion industry chops up the babies that they kill and sells them for parts. How is that different?,” Crutcher asked.
In April of 1997, Life Dynamics began their undercover investigation into the marketing of body parts harvested from babies killed by elective abortions. This investigation lasted approximately 31 months.
An extensive report of that investigation has been uploaded on the Life Dynamics website (here).
According to Crutcher’s investigation into the abortion industry, this is how the ghoulish system works:
1) A baby parts “wholesaler” enters into a financial agreement with an abortion clinic in which the wholesaler pays a monthly “site fee” to the clinic. For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts. In most cases, this retrieval agent is an employee of the wholesaler. In other instances, the retrieval agent is a clinic employee who was trained by the wholesaler.
2) The buyer – usually a researcher working for a medical school, pharmaceutical company, bio-tech company or government agency – supplies the wholesaler with a list of the baby parts wanted.
3) When such orders are received by the wholesaler, they are faxed to the retrieval agent at the clinic who harvests the requested parts and ships them to the buyer via FedEx, Airborne or a similar common carrier.
4) These parts are “donated” by the clinic to the wholesaler who turns around and “donates” them to the buyer. The buyer then “reimburses” the wholesaler for the cost of retrieving the parts.
To validate their claims that the abortion industry sells aborted baby body parts, Life Dynamics has uploaded copies of the orders and documents on their website.
Here are a few of the orders Life Dynamics obtained in their undercover investigation:
Crutcher told his Life Talk TV viewers that when he began to expose the marketing of aborted baby body parts, several people responded by suggesting that some good can come from abortion by chopping up babies and selling their parts.
“If you chop those babies up and sell those parts, some medical good could come from it,” Crutcher said he was told.
“Why isn’t that true here when ISIS does it?” he asked, “Why aren’t we saying, that’s a horrible thing but at least some good can come from it if ISIS can take liver and kidneys and eyes and donate it to medical science?” he said.
In addition to the selling of their body parts, it was recently revealed that aborted children were also being used as fuel. In May 2014, the hosts of Life Talk, discussed the fact that hospitals in Britain have incinerated the remains of more than 15,000 babies alongside rubbish as “clinical waste” with some used in “waste to energy” plants. (Read our report on that here.)
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