Fr. Frank Pavone: non-violence is not weakness or passivity

Is non-violence among pro-life people a sign of weakness or passivity, according to Fr. Frank Pavone, it is a sign of strength. That was the subject of Life Talk TV’s interview with Fr. Frank Pavone this month. Fr. Pavone is a regular co-host of the pro-life TV show but in the March 2015 episode the…

Is non-violence among pro-life people a sign of weakness or passivity, according to Fr. Frank Pavone, it is a sign of strength.

That was the subject of Life Talk TV’s interview with Fr. Frank Pavone this month.

Fr. Pavone is a regular co-host of the pro-life TV show but in the March 2015 episode the national director of Priests for Life appeared by phone.

He was asked by host Mark Crutcher about a confrontation with abortion supporters that the group had at the 2015 March for Life.

“What happened that day,” Fr. Pavone begins, “was as the march was progressing, on Constitution Ave., we had some folks up at the court getting ready…And the pro-aborts were there and Alveda King as everyone knows is the niece of Martin Luther King, she’s on our staff. And she was up there, because she was one of the ones giving testimony.


“And, the pro-aborts began to converge on the area…and they were becoming more and more confrontational and vile as is their nature as we well know…” he said.


Now here we have Dr. King and it’s in her genes to have non-violent resistance to this kind of evil. So she decides to walk right in the middle of this group of raging pro-aborts. Not to say anything- not to shout. But to lie down on the ground. It was an amazing sight,” Fr. Pavone said.


Fr. Pavone continued, “She laid down on the ground with one of her signs on top of her body, and she put her arms out in the formation of a cross. And, she just kept her eyes fixed on the heavens, and she was praying silently in sadness and in love for these deceived wicked people.”

Racial slur against Alveda King Stop Patriarchy abortion MFL

Fr. Pavone recounts hearing one of the abortion protesters yelling and cursing at Dr. King, using expletives, “And, one of my staff turned to him and said that is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And the pro-abort that had been cursing at her turned away in shame and left the scene.”

They didn’t know what to do. It’s the message of Dr. King in the flesh here, because, as he said non-violence is not weakness is not passivity, it’s a strong voice.” Fr. Pavone pointed out.

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In addition to the confrontation with the pro-choice people, Fr Pavone updated the viewers on the unveiling of his Abortion Shockwaves project which he detailed on the show back in February.

In that show, Fr. Frank Pavone explained the project, “The basic tenant of it is very simple, abortion hurts everybody. We know it kills the baby, we know it hurts the mother. There’s been increasing awareness that it hurts the dad as well. We know it hurts the abortion clinic workers themselves and the pain and the devastation and conflict it gives to them.”

“But, how about siblings?” Fr. Pavone asks, “How about aunts and uncles? How about the parents of the person who gets the abortion? How about the friends that drove them there? Everybody’s impacted,” he states.

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Fr. Pavone said that in addition to the siblings, parents, grand parents and friends, abortion hurts the abortionist and their staff. In addition, Fr. Pavone points out that abortion even hurts the pro-life people when they fail to save the life of the child.

Fr. Pavone explained that at the March for Life, where the project was unveiled, they had a visual testimony of the effects of abortion because they had women who had regretted their abortion standing next to abortion workers who regretted performing them.

That, Fr. Pavone said, would bring in an abundance of healing, “When a mom gives her testimony, ‘I had an abortion’ one of the things that comes out is that she’s every angry at that abortionist. But, when she’s standing next to a former abortionist whose apologizing then a great deal of healing occurs.”

Life Talk is a monthly pro-life TV show produced in the studios of Life Dynamics, Inc., in Denton, Texas.

The March 2015 Life Talk show was hosted by Mark Crutcher and Renee Hobbs and co-hosted by Sean Martin with Online for Life and Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, founder of New Wave Feminists.

Watch the current show here.

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