#757 – Women’s Aid Clinic in Lincolnwood, IL

Listen to the Call:

4751 W. TOUGHY AVE. #101

TAPE – 757

(Dialing, phone ringing 4X)

CLINIC: McFay (ph) Clinic. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes. Can you hold please?

CALLER: All right.

(short pause)

CLINIC: May I help you?

CALLER: Yeah. I was calling to ask questions about getting an abortion.


CALLER: Do you know how much they cost?

CLINIC: Are you a student or on public A?

CALLER: Well, I’m homeschooled.

CLINIC: Okay. It’s 320 to be asleep or 270 awake. And that’s from 6 to 12 weeks.

CALLER: My main thing I’m worried about is I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever it is, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Your boyfriend doesn’t have to sign for anything. You sign.

CALLER: Oh. So my parents don’t have to know?


CALLER: Really? Okay. Me and boyfriend were talking about all this, and he said he would pay for everything with cash. But we don’t want anyone to know about us. Would he have to sign any forms or anything?

CLINIC: No. You have to fill out your paperwork. Your boyfriend, all he has to do is pay.

CALLER: Okay. Do you guys do a pregnancy test there just to make sure?


CALLER: How much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: That’s free.

CALLER: Oh, really? Okay. When do you guys do pregnancy tests? How soon could I get that?

CLINIC: You can come Monday through Friday between 9 and 4.

CALLER: Do I need an appointment for that?


CALLER: Would it be all right if I came on my boyfriend’s lunch break?


CALLER: Would it be okay to come like during lunch, when my boyfriend gets off of work for lunch?

CLINIC: As long as it’s between 9 and 4.

CALLER: If it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys?

CLINIC: Then you have to see a doctor, make an appointment to see the doctor.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: It’s $85.

CALLER: But would you have to tell anybody if I was on birth control though?

CLINIC: No. No, we don’t tell anybody anything.

CALLER: Okay. I just wish I could talk to my mom like I’m talking to you, but she just doesn’t understand anything. If I had any other questions, could I call and talk to you? What was your name?

CLINIC: My name is Laurie.

CALLER: Okay. Is it all right if I come in tomorrow for a pregnancy test and birth control?

CLINIC: That’s fine. Well, not birth control. For birth control, you have to make an appointment ahead of time. Why don’t you come in for the pregnancy test, and then we’ll go from there.

CALLER: Okay. All right. Okay. Thanks.




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#337 – Planned Parenthood in Ottawa, IL

Listen to the Call:

OTTAWA, IL 61350-2915

TAPE – 337

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. Stephanie speaking. May I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t. Did you need a referral?

CALLER: Yes, please.

CLINIC: Just a second.


CLINIC: May I help you, please?

CALLER: Yeah. I was wondering if you guys had a number for a place that does abortions.

CLINIC: Did you do a home pregnancy test or go to a doctor and have —

CALLER: I haven’t had one yet.

CLINIC: You haven’t had one yet?

CALLER: No. I’m just scared because my last period was December 14th.

CLINIC: December 14th?


CLINIC: Because it does make a difference as to where I can send you depending on how many weeks along you are.


CLINIC: So that’s why I ask. I have to know because certain clinics don’t take people after certain periods of time.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: So you said December 14th was the first day of your last period?


CLINIC: Okay. Well, we still have a few weeks here. The closest one that we refer to is in Peoria. And it’s called the National Health Care. And the number there is 1-800-322-1622.



CALLER: Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test then?

CLINIC: Well, you can either do a home pregnancy test or come in here. And we need the first morning specimen when you get up in the morning.



CALLER: So if I came in there — I’m just worried because my friend told me that since I’ll be 14 in March that my parents have to sign some stuff.

CLINIC: No, it’s all confidential.


CLINIC: You can buy an EPT over the counter cheaper than coming here. Ours are $18.

CALLER: Oh, okay. I would just rather come in there because I don’t — just to know that it was right.

CLINIC: Okay. But we need the first morning specimen when you get up in the morning. Put it in a clean container and keep it refrigerated.

CALLER: Well, is it okay if my boyfriend signs for everything? Because he’s 22. He said he was going to take care of everything.

CLINIC: No. You have to come in and fill out the forms and that yourself.

CALLER: Oh, okay.


CALLER: Well, I really wanted him to be there with me. Was that all right?

CLINIC: Oh, yeah, that’s fine. He can come. That’s not a problem.

CALLER: Okay. Well, after the pregnancy test, if it was negative, could I get birth control there?

CLINIC: You’d have to make an appointment to have a complete physical done, yes, to have that.

CALLER: If I was on birth control, does anybody have to know?

CLINIC: No. No, they do not. It’s all confidential information.

CALLER: So does anybody have to know about anything at all?

CLINIC: No, nothing at all.



CALLER: Were you Stephanie?

CLINIC: Pardon?

CALLER: Were you Stephanie?

CLINIC: No, I’m Rose.

CALLER: Oh, okay.



CLINIC: All right.

CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome. Bye.



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#345 – Planned Parenthood in Pekin, IL

Listen to the Call:

333 COURT ST. # 200
PEKIN, IL 61554-3278

TAPE – 345

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we do not.

CALLER: Do you know of any place that might?

CLINIC: In Peoria? National Health Care. There is no place if you’re calling locally.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: Okay? It’s called National Health Care in Peoria. Have you had a positive pregnancy test?

CALLER: Well, no, not yet. I’m just scared because like my last period was December 14, so I don’t know.

CLINIC: Okay. Have you been sick?


CLINIC: Have you had sex without using birth control?


CLINIC: Okay. I would recommend first that you have a pregnancy test.

CALLER: Could I come in there for that?

CLINIC: Yeah. We have — it’s a $10 charge or we accept a medical card.

CALLER: Okay. Well, it’s just — my boyfriend would pay for everything. Do I need a medical card? What is that?

CLINIC: No, a medical card is something through public aid.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: So what you’d need to do is either come in and, like if he comes with you then he would just need to pay the $10 or give it to you when you come in. We do those today up until 4:30.



CALLER: It’s just I’m really scared because like my friend told me that since like I’ll be 14 in March that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it and they wouldn’t have to say anything about anything?

CLINIC: Okay. First of all, it’s confidential.

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: One at 14. Another is, you better be careful. Does your parents know he’s 22?

CALLER: Yeah. They just really don’t like him. I mean, they don’t know we’re having sex or anything. If they found out they would — I don’t know what would happen.

CLINIC: He would be put in jail.

CALLER: He would be — what do you mean?

CLINIC: Because it’s — you’re 14. It’s statutory rape.

CALLER: Well, but he’s not raping me. We’re in love. We’re going to be married.

CLINIC: I know but that’s not how — you’re 14. You can’t get married unless your parents sign, and that would not even been until you’re 16. You can’t even get married until you’re 18 when you’re an adult in the state of Illinois.

CALLER: Well, what can I do? I don’t know what to do. I can’t tell my parents at all. They wouldn’t — they don’t understand anything.

CLINIC: First of all, you need to come in and have a test, okay?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: And whatever you say here is confidential, okay? Do you understand?


CLINIC: Okay. Nobody’s going to tell on you.


CLINIC: So you need to come in and have that test.

CALLER: Okay. Well, my boyfriend has to bring me. Is that all right if he’s there with me?

CLINIC: Yes. The only thing is, is once we bring you back to talk to you, he cannot come back through the door.


CLINIC: It would just be you and us, okay?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: We’ll need to do the test and we’ll go from there. Because if you’re not pregnant what you really need to think about — and he’s old enough to know too — use birth control. Use a condom. If you can’t just use a condom, you need to use two forms. It’s important to protect yourself.


CLINIC: Okay? So, and if you’re — you’ll — well, at 14 they’ll have to — if you are pregnant we’ll go over what you’ll need to do, okay?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: But we’ll discuss it all with you, so don’t get worried. But you do need to come in.

CALLER: But you guys could take care of everything?


CALLER: And no one would have to know anything, and you guys wouldn’t tell on my boyfriend or anything?

CLINIC: No. No. Nope.

CALLER: Okay, so he wouldn’t get arrested or anything?

CLINIC: No, no, no, no. No. No. Not at all.



CALLER: Okay, well, thanks.


CALLER: Is it —

CLINIC: Go ahead.

CALLER: Is it all right like if I call, if I talk to you if I had anymore questions? What was your name?

CLINIC: My name’s Rae (sp).



CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome.



(phone clicks)


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#338 – Planned Parenthood in Peoria, IL

Listen to the Call:

PEORIA, IL 61603-3843

TAPE – 338

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. You may enter your party’s extension at anytime. For teen pregnancy testing and all counseling, press 1 (dial button pressed). One moment please.


RECORDING: Our counseling staff is currently busy. You may at the tone leave a message. We cannot promise when your call will be returned. If you’d like to hold for our operator, dial zero (dial button pressed). Thank you. One moment please.


RECORDING: One moment please.


CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Leandra (sp).

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t. I can give you a number that do.


CLINIC: 691-9073.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I ask you a quick question?

CLINIC: Um-hmm.

CALLER: My friend told me that since I’ll be 14 in March that you guys have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he take care of that, and we don’t have to tell my parents? Because I don’t know what would happen if they found out.

CLINIC: Tell your parents what?

CALLER: That I was going to get an abortion.

CLINIC: Oh. We don’t say anything. Everything here is confidential. I mean, as far as outside, that’s on you. But we keep everything here confidential.

CALLER: Okay. Well, do you guys have to tell anybody about my boyfriend or anything?

CLINIC: Uh-uh. We don’t tell anybody nothing here.


CLINIC: I mean, just you. Unless you give us permission, we tell no one nothing.

CALLER: Well, I don’t want anybody to know.

CLINIC: We don’t tell anyone anyway so.

CALLER: I wasn’t real sure if I was pregnant. I’m just scared because my last period was like the 14th of December, so I don’t know. I’m just really scared.

CLINIC: Okay. Have you taken a pregnancy test?


CLINIC: Did you want to set one up?


CLINIC: Hold on, okay?


CLINIC: Someone will be right with you. I’m gonna make an appointment with our teen and counseling department. Okay? So she’ll be right with you, okay?


CLINIC: Hold on.


CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is Andrea. Can I help you?

CALLER: Yeah. I was wanting to make an appointment for a pregnancy test.

CLINIC: Okay. Are you a patient with us?

CALLER: No. Not— No.

CLINIC: How old are you?

CALLER: I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Do you want to go through education and counseling? Is this for a free one?

CALLER: Well, my boyfriend says that I just need to get an abortion. And if I’m not pregnant that I need to get on birth control.

CLINIC: Okay. What do you want to do?

CALLER: Well, I’m just scared. I don’t know.

CLINIC: Okay. I’m going to put you with education, and they’ll make an appointment, okay? Can I put you on hold for a second?



CLINIC: Hi. This is Diane in education and counseling. I appreciate your holding.



CALLER: Yeah. Well, I was wanting to get an abortion, and they sent me to you.

CLINIC: Okay. All right. I see. I thought you needed a pregnancy test.

CALLER: Well, I do. I haven’t had one yet.

CLINIC: Oh, all right.

CALLER: I’m just really scared because I haven’t had my period since like December 14th. And I don’t know what to do. And my friend told me that if I was pregnant — I’ll be 14 in March, and she said that you guys would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion.


CALLER: But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he take care of it, and you won’t have to tell anybody anything?

CLINIC: Well, it’s not because your boyfriend’s 22. If your boyfriend’s 22, actually your parents could sue him.

CALLER: They could — Why?

CLINIC: Because it’s called statutory rape. It’s assumed.

CALLER: Well, he’s not raping me. We’re in love. We’re going to get married.

CLINIC: Okay. I’m sorry I threw that in there. I’m just saying — all right. Let’s both calm down. Your boyfriend being that age is more of a problem for you as far as the law goes than a help, okay?


CLINIC: But you yourself, because you are over 12, can do this. You do not need parental permission. In a lot of states around us they do require parental permission, but not here. Okay?

(Deep sigh)

CLINIC: So you need to come in and get a pregnancy test, and then we can tell you all your options. And if you know you want an abortion, we can explain all that, give you the brochure of the people in town who do that.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I just can’t have this baby. Because he already has a one-year-old with his ex-wife. They’re separated, but that’s why I can’t — I mean, we have to have the abortion.

CLINIC: Well, it’s up to you. I mean, I think you’re awfully young to have a child too. So there’s many reasons, right?

CALLER: Yeah, okay.

CLINIC: Hopefully you’re going to finish school. Are you in school?

CALLER: Yeah, I’m homeschooled.

CLINIC: Oh, okay. So your parents don’t have any idea that you’re pregnant?

CALLER: No. They don’t even know that I’m having sex. They know him, but they just don’t like him because they think he’s too old for me.

CLINIC: Right. And they’re afraid you might be having sex probably.

CALLER: Well, I don’t know. They just —

CLINIC: And then get pregnant. And so he didn’t use a condom, or did the condom break or what?

CALLER: No. We didn’t have a condom or anything.

CLINIC: So he’s certainly old enough — and I think you are too actually — to know that’s the way a pregnancy happens, right?


CLINIC: All right. Well, you’re in a tough spot. And I don’t mean to put any extra pressure on you. We need to get you in and have a pregnancy test. And we’ll tell you how to take care of things.

CALLER: Okay. Well, he just doesn’t want anybody to know about this.

CLINIC: It’s all completely confidential.

CALLER: Well, if I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control so that this doesn’t have to happen again?

CLINIC: Since you wouldn’t testify against him there’s nothing that could happen probably legally, unless you’re pregnant. And then pregnancy would be a proof of.

CALLER: Okay. Well, so could I get birth control?

CLINIC: Not today, but yes. If you’re pregnant — that seems to be your biggest concern. You’re pretty sure you are it sounds like.

CALLER: Well, I’m not sure. I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet.

CLINIC: Have you missed a period by a week or more?

CALLER: Well, my last period was like December 14th, so that’s why we’re scared.

CLINIC: Your last period was December 14th? Yeah that’s — So neither of you intended a pregnancy?

CALLER: Well, no.

CLINIC: Well, I’m just checking because not using contraception and having sex is usually an indication of wanting to get pregnant. You know what I mean?


CLINIC: So you guys just kind of (unclear) your heads about that?

CALLER: Well, I don’t know. We in love, and we’re going to get married. But he’s got to get through his ex — he’s got to divorce his ex-wife completely first.

CLINIC: Yeah, that’s right. And hopefully you’re going to get through school.


CLINIC: Which will help you raise a child when you do decide you want to have a child.


CLINIC: So we have some openings this late afternoon or evening. What time of day is good for you?

CALLER: Well, I’ve got to call him and see.

CLINIC: He would bring you in?


CLINIC: Um-hmm.

CALLER: Is that okay? Because I wanted him there with me. Is that okay if he’s there?


CALLER: What did you mean about pregnancy as proof?

CLINIC: Proof of having sex.

CALLER: Well, yeah. Okay.

CLINIC: I mean, you’d like him in there to talk about what needs to be done; is that right?


CLINIC: It does put us in a little awkward position because we have been asked to report — actually we’re not — it’s something we’re kind of on the borderline whether we’re suppose to do anything about or not. Because there are legislators and others that are concerned, not that we necessarily think it’s our job to decide that. But if we have somebody under 17 coming in with somebody over 18, then there is come concern.

CALLER: Well, are you going to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No. But it would help us to decide — just don’t talk about his age when you come in. I guess I would say that.


CLINIC: And if you could come in by yourself, it might be best.

CALLER: Oh. So it would be better if he wasn’t here?

CLINIC: (sighs) You know, usually I would say it’s better if he is there. Maybe I can put a note to the counselor you’re going to see and tell her, don’t ask. Don’t ask, don’t tell I guess is sort of unfortunately where we have to be about this.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: All right?


CLINIC: So you’ve got to talk to him about the time, you said.


CLINIC: Does he work?


CLINIC: What time does he work?

CALLER: He works from 8 to 5.

CLINIC: All right. We have a 5:15 or a 6.


CLINIC: Just write you down for 6 maybe?

CALLER: Well, I’d have to check and make sure that’s enough time to get there from getting off work.

CLINIC: Where does he work?

CALLER: He works in construction with my dad.

CLINIC: Oh, wow.

CALLER: He really doesn’t have like a specific place.

CLINIC: Well, how far is it from your house to Peoria?

CALLER: I’m not really sure. It’s probably like 30 minutes or so.

CLINIC: All right. Well, my recommendation would be that we pencil you in for the 6:00 appointment because it’s the latest we have. And we don’t have it everyday of the week. We only have it two days a week. So tomorrow for instance our last appointment is at 3:15. So this is your best chance. And you can always call and cancel if it doesn’t work out.

CALLER: Well, let me talk to him and call you back. Is that okay?

CLINIC: You don’t want me to pencil you in?

CALLER: Well, I need to call him and see exactly when.

CLINIC: All right.


CLINIC: All right. And my extension is — well, just do 205.

CALLER: Is that you?

CLINIC: It’s whoever has our pregnancy test scheduling book. And I’m Diane though. You can ask for me.

CALLER: What was your name again?

CLINIC: Diane.

CALLER: All right. Okay.

CLINIC: All right.

CALLER: Thanks.




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#758 – National Health Care in Peoria, IL

Listen to the Call:

PEORIA, IL 61614

TAPE – 758

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: National Health Care. This is Pam. May I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, ma’am, we do.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: Well, under 12 weeks it’s $350, and then 12 to 14 weeks, it’s 450.

CALLER: Well, how do you know how many weeks you are?

CLINIC: We go by the first day of your last normal period when we make your appointment, but then we do a sonogram when you come in. When was the first day of your last normal period?

CALLER: January 3rd.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, you’re probably not that far along. Let me look here. January 3rd… We’re making appointments right now for next Wednesday, which is the 13th. And you’d be approximately nine weeks, so it would be 350. Even if you’d wait until the 20th or 21st, you’re still at that 350.


CLINIC: Now do you know of your blood type is negative?

CALLER: Well, I don’t know.

CLINIC: Well, we tell you to bring an extra $30, because if your blood type is negative — and we do that typing here — then it’s $30 extra for something called Rhogam shot.

CALLER: Okay. Well, the thing is, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Well, first of all, you don’t have to have parents’ consent in Illinois, so that’s no problem. Only you have to sign the papers.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: And everything is confidential, hon.

CALLER: Oh, good. So it’s just me and my boyfriend were talking about all this, and we didn’t want anyone to know about us. But he said he was going to pay cash for everything.

CLINIC: Yeah, you have to pay cash anyway, cash or money order. So whenever you’re ready to make the appointment, just give us a call.

CALLER: Well, if he was paying for everything, would he have to sign any papers or fill out any forms?

CLINIC: No, ma’am. You only fill out the forms. And the receipt is made out to you because you’re the patient.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Would you guys do that before?

CLINIC: No. You need to get a pregnancy test done first. Just do an at-home test or whatever.

CALLER: Are those usually right though?

CLINIC: Yeah, pretty much. And then once you get that result, then you give us a call and we’ll set up an appointment.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys?

CLINIC: No, we don’t do long-term care. We just give you one pack of pills after you leave to regulate the period. You have to go to Planned Parenthood or something to get the birth control pill.

CALLER: Would they have to tell if I was on birth control?

CLINIC: I don’t know. What city do you live in?

CALLER: I live in Farmington.

CLINIC: So you’d go to what, Peoria?

CALLER: I think so, yeah.

CLINIC: Peoria Planned Parenthood I meant.

CALLER: Yeah, I think so.

CLINIC: Call them and ask them. I don’t think they do.

CALLER: Okay. So how much should I bring if I was getting an abortion?

CLINIC: How much what?

CALLER: How much money should I bring if I was getting an abortion?

CLINIC: 380.

CALLER: Okay. And an additional $30?

CLINIC: No, no. It’s 350 for the procedure and $30 extra for a Rhogam shot. So it would be 380 or 350. But we tell you to bring 380 just in case your blood type’s negative, okay?

CALLER: Would my boyfriend be able to come in with me?

CLINIC: He can go through the counseling with you but not through the procedure. You’re with the doctor and the nurse then.



CALLER: Alright. And you’re sure nobody would have to know about anything?

CLINIC: Only if you tell somebody?

CALLER: Really?

CLINIC: A lot of patients get angry at us, because when they make their appointment they forget what time it is. And they’ll call us, and we can’t even tell them because we don’t know that’s them. We’re here to protect you and take good care of you.



CALLER: All right. Thank you.

CLINIC: You’re welcome.


CLINIC: Bye bye.


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#840 – Northern Illinois Women’s Center in Rockford, IL

Listen to the Call:

1400 BROADWAY #201

TAPE – 840

(Dialing, phone ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Northern Illinois Women’s Center. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. This is in Illinois?


CALLER: Okay. I talked to the Planned Parenthood in Wisconsin, and they gave me this number. So I was actually wondering if I could get an abortion.

CLINIC: Yeah. Can I put you on hold just a minute?



CLINIC: Hello?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: What was the first day of your last normal period?

CALLER: January 15th.

CLINIC: And your last name?

CALLER: Carter.

CLINIC: Carter?


CLINIC: First name?


CLINIC: Birthday?

CALLER: March 19, 1988.

CLINIC: What city do you live in?

CALLER: I live in Rockford.

CLINIC: A daytime phone number where you could be reached?

CALLER: Well, I don’t want to tell you. Actually, my boyfriend was going to get a cell phone to use that, but he just got it today, and I don’t have the number yet.

CLINIC: Okay. Well —

CALLER: But I was actually wanting to ask a question.


CALLER: I’m just kind of worried. Cause I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22, and he said he would pay cash for everything. Would he be able to take care of it and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: I’m going to have to check. Can I put you on hold?


(short pause)


CLINIC: Okay, basically everything here is confidential. But as far as the legality of it, you know, I’m not sure. But you know what? It’s going to be the same place wherever you go. So if you want — if I did have a number to call you, it would come up private on the caller i.d. I’d just leave my name and a number. And the number that I leave we only answer hello to.

CALLER: Okay. Well, me and my boyfriend are really worried about all this. We were talking about it, and he said he would pay for everything, but we don’t want anyone to know about us. So if he was paying for it all, would he have to sign any papers or have his name on any forms?

CLINIC: No, only you.

CALLER: Okay. Alright. Well, I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Would you guys be able to do that there beforehand?

CLINIC: Yeah, we do that with everybody. But my suggestion is that you do take a test before, like a home pregnancy test.

CALLER: Oh really?


CALLER: Are those usually right?

CLINIC: Yeah. They’re 99. whatever percent effective. That’s what we use here to make sure.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys?

CLINIC: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely.

CALLER: How much does that cost?

CLINIC: Actually, it wouldn’t cost anything for the prescription, but you’d have to pay for it at the pharmacy. You would have to pay for counseling and an exam by the doctor if it turns out that you are not pregnant.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how much is that then?

CLINIC: That’s $80. And if he does a sonogram, that’s 130.

CALLER: Okay. But if I was pregnant and I needed to get an abortion, how much would that be?

CLINIC: That $350. If your blood type is RH negative, which we check everybody, it’s 400.

CALLER: Okay. So you’re sure that you wouldn’t have to tell anybody about me and my boyfriend though if we came in there?

CLINIC: I’m not — but as far as because of your age difference, is that what it is?

CALLER: I don’t know, yeah.

CLINIC: Well, I’m not sure. I don’t know. I mean, you could give me a call back tomorrow after I talk to the doctor.

CALLER: Well, would it be better if I just didn’t talk about my boyfriend and he just dropped me off?

CLINIC: It’s really entirely up to you. I don’t know. We do have to know some information.

CALLER: Well, do you have to know about my boyfriend?

CLINIC: Nothing. About you. Do your parents even know at all?


CLINIC: Do your parents know at all?

CALLER: Well, they know we’re going out. Like he works with my dad. But they don’t know we’re having sex. If they found out about that, they’d be furious. They can’t find out at all. I mean, I don’t know — they just can’t find out.

CLINIC: I mean, he has nothing to do with this. But you have to (unclear) yourself. It has everything to do with you. We don’t require any information about him at all. I mean, we do ask who you came with, but all you have to say is my boyfriend.

CALLER: Okay. Well, what time are you guys open tomorrow?

CLINIC: We’ll be open 8 to 4:30 if you want to give a call back. My suggestion is call in the afternoon. If you want you can make an appointment. It’s really up to you. Have you ever been to a gynecologist?


CLINIC: You’ve never had a pelvic exam?


CLINIC: Okay. Yeah, just give me a call back tomorrow. My name’s Michele.


CLINIC: If I don’t hear from the doctor by the time I talk to you, I’ll call him and maybe have you call me back during the same day or at some point, okay?


CLINIC: All right.

CALLER: All right. Thanks.

CLINIC: You’re welcome. Bye.


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