#85 – Is Abstinence Realistic?
Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion lobby argues that sex-ed programs based on abstinence are not realistic. But don’t be fooled, the abortion lobby doesn’t reject abstinence because it is unrealistic…
Planned Parenthood and the rest of the abortion lobby argues that sex-ed programs based on abstinence are not realistic. But don’t be fooled, the abortion lobby doesn’t reject abstinence because it is unrealistic…
Groups like Planned Parenthood push “value-neutral contraception-based” sex education in the nation’s school systems to “prevent teen pregnancy.” See why this is a cash cow for the organizations pushing it.
This week on the podcast, we discuss two things all pro-lifers should be keeping their eyes out for: the sex education programs making their way into schools around the nation, and the abortion views of their significant other. As we reveal, these two things are having a profound impact on countless people across the country.
“Fact: Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching 1.5 million people with education and outreach each year.” 1 That fact comes directly from Planned Parenthood’s website and it should strike fear into every person in the United States, especially parents. While Planned Parenthood, the media and even…
Parents in California are upset that a high school teacher gave students the assignment of getting a selfie with one of their parents sex toys or condoms. Parents of students at Encinal High School in Alameda want a teacher fired after they say he sent them home with an extra credit assignment of finding sex…