#53 – The Truth About Value-Neutral Sex Education
Groups like Planned Parenthood push “value-neutral contraception-based” sex education in the nation’s school systems to “prevent teen pregnancy.” See why this is a cash cow for the organizations pushing it.
Welcome to our new series, “Abortion Distortion,” where we turn the tables and make the pro-choice side defend the illogical, deceptive and immoral nature of their positions!
Like how groups like Planned Parenthood push “value-neutral contraception-based” sex education in the nation’s school systems to “prevent teen pregnancy.” See why this is a cash cow for the organizations pushing it.
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In the 1960s, groups like Planned Parenthood started introducing what they called “value-neutral contraception-based” sex education into the nation’s school systems. Their sales pitch was that the way to deal with the relatively small teen pregnancy problem that existed at that time, was to isolate sex from morality and teach kids the mechanics of having sex without getting pregnant.
Of course, this concept was not value-neutral at all, it simply replaced traditional values with Planned Parenthood values. The result was an epidemic of promiscuity, teen pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, and children having sex at younger ages. And with that, “value-neutral contraception-based” sex education became a cash cow for the organizations that were pushing it.
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