Episode 134 | Strange Allies In The Pro-Abortion Movement

Episode 134 | Strange Allies In The Pro-Abortion Movement

An often overlooked aspect of the abortion lobby is that it is a living example of the old saying, “Politics makes strange bedfellows.” This week, we look at some of the strange allies of the pro-abortion movement and how their personal agendas are joined at the hip with legalized abortion. We reveal that some people do actually LOVE abortion, and we discuss how a growing number on the pro-choice side are trying to frame abortion as an act of love.

Episode 125 | When Will Authorities Prosecute Abortion Clinics For Failing To Report Rape Of Children?

Episode 125 | When Will Authorities Prosecute Abortion Clinics For Failing To Report Rape Of Children?

A story out of Omaha, Nebraska about the sexual abuse of a child, has earned national media attention when it was reported that the girl’s mother took her for an abortion and returned her to her abuser – the step father. We discuss how this case is typical of what we have seen and how our country’s epidemic of child sexual abuse is being driven by the fact that that both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation knowingly conceal these crimes while aiding and abetting the sexual predators who commit them. We reveal shocking information which begs the question, when will authorities prosecute these clinics for failing to report?

Episode 49 | Is There REALLY A War On Women, Or Is It A War On Men?

Episode 49 | Is There REALLY A War On Women, Or Is It A War On Men?

It seems like everyday, there is more talk about toxic masculinity, more examples of male bashing, and how “cis men” are the problem. We discuss this troubling trend in our culture and how a number of serious problems that males are facing are being completely ignored. This controversial episode leaves you asking, does modern feminism have the solution, or is it part of the problem?

Evil Is As Evil Does

Evil Is As Evil Does

New allegations about sexual assault from the hands of an abortionist have surfaced. Life Dynamics has tried to reach out to #MeToo activists and mainstream media outlets to hear their take on the issue, but of course, they were silent. Now that an abortion advocate has come forward with her own allegations, will they listen?