Episode 38 | Pro-Choicers Are The Real Science Deniers
There are no bigger science deniers than the pro-choice side! In this episode of our podcast, we cover the top four biological truths the pro-choice side tries to deny!
There are no bigger science deniers than the pro-choice side! In this episode of our podcast, we cover the top four biological truths the pro-choice side tries to deny!
In 2002, Life Dynamics uncovered irrefutable evidence that both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation knowingly conceal child sexual abuse while aiding and abetting sexual predators. So how are they still operating? This is a question we get asked quite often – so we break it down in one episode that will make your blood boil.
America’s cancel culture is cancelling historical figures who are steeped in racism & eugenics. But when will we cancel eugenics?
Episode Synopsis: Before we enter a new era in the battle over abortion, we discuss the number one misconception about the pro-choice movement – and it may not be easy to hear. We share comments and tales from the pro-choice side, such as the pregnant abortionist who wrote about being “more interested than usual” in…
The abortion industry’s got problemsAnd we don’t think they can solve ’em. As we discuss in this week’s episode of the Pro-Life America podcast, there is often bitter animosity between what we call the “doers” and the “talkers” of the abortion industry. While there is some overlap, generally speaking, talkers are the people who work…
George Orwell’s observation that some things are so stupid only an intellectual could believe them, has proven to be frighteningly accurate- especially with the abortion crowd.
A Texas abortion owner wants to use the abortion suction machines at her closed facility for “show and tell” to reduce what she calls “abortion stigma.” Texas has been the site where several abortion clinics have closed because they could not comply with state law that requires abortion facilities comply with the minimum health and…
Abortion rights group NARAL is tweeting pictures of pregnant pro-choice supporters claiming that supporting abortion is good parenting. Details come from the blog Saynsumthn, who originally published the story: The other day I blogged about NARAL’s obnoxious tweet, “Being pro-choice *is* fundamentally about *parenting!” It followed news that their president, Ilyse Hogue, announced that she…
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