ObamaCare architect removed from health board

Gov. Charlie Baker has removed MIT economist Jonathan Gruber known as the ObamaCare architect who espoused abortion as eugenics from the Massachusetts Health Connector Board, according to the Boston Glob. Jonathan Gruber, a former consultant and adviser during ObamaCare’s creation, was caught on tape admitting that he and his fellow administration insiders knew they had…

Backlash against Planned Parenthood for Selma Tweet

Kudos to Town Hall for discovering abortion giant Planned Parenthood’s hypocrisy in a tweet they posted during the Oscars referencing the film, Selma. The controversial #Oscars2015 tweet caused some backlash from those who know about Planned Parenthood’s racist agenda. It read, “Words to remember: “#Selma is now because the struggle for justice is right now.”…

Multiple persons charge for killing pregnant girlfriend / unborn baby

A Texas man has been charged with capital murder multiple persons after he allegedly murdered his pregnant girlfriend and their unborn child after she refused to have an abortion. 19 year-old Courtney Hyriease Velasques, was arrested after confessing to relatives that he drowned, then burned the body of 18-year-old Dawanna Thomas, his pregnant girlfriend. According…

Dr. Alveda King: Planned Parenthood sells abortion as birth control

During Black History Month, Dr. Alveda King discussed why abortion is prevalent within the Black community, stating that Planned Parenthood sells it as a means of birth control. According to the most recent report released by the Center for Disease Control, in 2011 almost 56% of all abortions reported for race were done on minority…

Planned Parenthood closed for President’s Day

President’s Day appears to be good for unborn children as several Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation will be closed today! Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the nation, killing over 327,653 unborn children last year alone according to their latest annual report. Planned Parenthood’s closure today is also good for any…

Pro-Life check scandal exposed supporting abortion groups !

A company which sells pro-life checks alongside checks with Christian messages called, Life Checks, has been duping pro-life people for years promoting organizations that support abortion under other company names. Pro-life checks are a great way for pro-life people to get the message out about abortion but an investigation conducted by Life Dynamics in 2005…