Dems call pro-life group “extremist” after mailing postcard of woman and baby killed by abortion

Democrats in New Mexico are calling pro-lifers in the state “extremist” for mailing a postcard which showed a woman and baby killed from legal abortion. Earlier this month a New Mexico Senate panel tabled a two pro-life bills that would have prohibited late-term abortions and required parental consent by minors seeking abortion in the state….

Democrats in New Mexico are calling pro-lifers in the state “extremist” for mailing a postcard which showed a woman and baby killed from legal abortion.

Earlier this month a New Mexico Senate panel tabled a two pro-life bills that would have prohibited late-term abortions and required parental consent by minors seeking abortion in the state.

HB 390 (Late-Term Abortion Ban) and HB 391 (Parental Notification for Abortion) were blocked by Democratically-controlled Senate Public Affairs Committee by a vote of 5-3.

In response, the pro-life group, Protest ABQ, sent postcards showing an image of Marla Cardamone, who died from a legal abortion alongside the picture of a baby killed from a late-term abortion, to the Senate Democrats who voted to block the measure.

In addition to mailing them to Senate Democrats over 750 post cards were mailed into the districts of the lawmakers as well as members at the Capitol Building.

The caption on the postcard reads: Abortion wasn’t safe for them either.

NM postcard-captLG

Marla’s photo was provided by Life Dynamics who received permission from the dead 19-year-old’s mother to publish her autopsy photos on their website

In addition, the late-term aborted baby victim was taken by clinic workers at a Houston abortion facility and provided to Operation Rescue.

The workers later spoke to Life Dynamics about what they witnessed.

Life Dynamics has produced a DVD of the interview with the abortion clinic workers called: An American Abortion Clinic which is available here.

Calling the postcards “vile”, a March 15th press release issued by Senate Democrats who opposed the restrictions, entitled,”Extremists Mail Vile Postcards to Albuquerque Residents, Attacking Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto” reads in part:

Dems call ABQ Extremist for abortion postcards

    • In an attempt to bully Senator Daniel Ivey-Soto (D-15–Bernalillo), the extremist group working to ban all abortions, ‘Protest ABQ’, this week mailed residents of Albuquerque’s near Northeast Heights postcards bearing graphic photos including a naked, dead woman. Community leaders expressed deep anger over the likelihood that young children in their homes could be exposed to and traumatized by the vile images on the postcards delivered to mailboxes.

‘Protest ABQ’ is the extremist group behind the mailings. It is part of the same group that attempted to ban access to abortion later in pregnancy, even in tragic circumstances in the Albuquerque referendum in 2013. Voters of Albuquerque soundly defeated the ban to keep these extreme messages out of our communities, and keep decisions about abortion between a woman, her family, and her doctor.

‘Protest ABQ’ also frequently drives a truck around the city with large graphic billboards on its sides, which they also park in front of elementary schools. They invited another extremist group to protest the Albuquerque Holocaust Museum; they put graphic images into children’s Halloween trick-or-treat bags; harassed legislators, state officials and doctors at their homes while their families and young children were present.

Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics called the real extremists the Democrats who protect child murder, “The extremists are the ones who do these abortions not the ones who show them,” Crutcher said,” And, the Democrats in New Mexico are protecting them.”

Help the Cause Life Dynamics pro-life

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and a co-host of Life Talk TV, also responded by saying that “The real ‘violent’ and ‘extreme’ acts of brutality are taking place inside New Mexico’s abortion mills, with the full blessing of Sen. Pino, Sen. Soto, and others. Voters need to remember that the next time these folks are up for re-election.

Protest ABQ Abortion truth truck 432939309388479_n

Bud Shaver, who founded Protest ABQ, told Life Dynamics that he sent the postcards throughout 3 districts.

He responded to news that the Dems had halted the late term abortion ban by writing this on his group’s website, “The Democratically controlled Senate Public Affairs Committee proved to be more biased than “democratic” by voting on party lines to kill ALL THREE pro-life bills introduced this legislative session. The first pro-life bill killed was SB 437 Physician Admitting Privileges for Abortions. This bill would have prevented abortion providers in New Mexico from ditching their patients on local Emergency Rooms where other physicians are left in the dark about the woman’s condition after an abortion related injury.

“During the charade chaired by Sen. Pino, he cut off the testimony of expert witness Tara Shaver, Senior Policy Advisor of Protest ABQ when she attempted to introduce 911 calls made from Albuquerque abortion facilities. Sen. Pino objected and threw a “tantrum,” claiming that the 911 calls were “too emotional” when the bill’s sponsor Sen. Brandt asked for the 911 calls to be played, which documented severe injuries sustained by women from Albuquerque abortion clinics.”

According to Tara Shaver, also with Protest ABQ, the only objections they have received have come from Senators who opposed the bills to begin with.


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