Episode 49 | Is There REALLY A War On Women, Or Is It A War On Men?

It seems like everyday, there is more talk about toxic masculinity, more examples of male bashing, and how “cis men” are the problem. We discuss this troubling trend in our culture and how a number of serious problems that males are facing are being completely ignored. This controversial episode leaves you asking, does modern feminism have the solution, or is it part of the problem?

Episode Synopsis:

It seems like everyday, there is more talk about toxic masculinity, more examples of male bashing, and how “cis men” are the problem. We discuss this troubling trend in our culture and how a number of serious problems that males are facing are being completely ignored. This controversial episode leaves you asking, does modern feminism have the solution, or is it part of the problem?

Episode Duration: 33 min

In This Episode We Discuss:
  1. Greetings (00:23)
  2. Happy Birthday Mark! (01:06)
  3. The myths of the war on women and the wage gap (2:19)
  4. An article in Vogue Magazine (4:27)
  5. How neo-feminism and abortion is isolating women (7:17)
  6. Do feminists have the solution or are some of their ideas part of the problem? (11:56)
  7. How young boys are struggling (17:58)
  8. Male bashing in our culture (19:52)
  9. Areas where males are overlooked and/or treated differently (22:40)
  10. The Red Pill Documentary (27:27)
  11. Nothing is what it seems (30:08)
  12. Closing Statements (32:03)

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