Christmas: A Celebration Of God’s Wondrous Gift Of Life

For the majority of Americans, it seems that Christmas has become little more than an excuse to take a few of days off work and exchange material gifts. But for the pro-life community, Christmas is a celebration of God’s wondrous gift of life.

Christmas is again right around the corner!

The holidays have a unique and special meaning for each and every person, but do those who are pro-life understand and appreciate Christmas more than most people? For the majority of Americans, it seems that Christmas has become little more than an excuse to take a few of days off work and exchange material gifts. But for the pro-life community, Christmas is a celebration of God’s wondrous gift of life.

“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” – John 10:10

That’s the reason we are pro-life.

For just as Christ came so that all His creatures could have life, we labor in the Lord’s pro-life vineyard so that His unborn children do not have that life taken away from them. These babies are totally defenseless. They are completely dependent on us to care for their physical needs, to give them shelter and to keep them safe from abortionists.

“The Holy Innocents”

The incident from the Nativity story that best reflects our pro-life work is when Herod sent out his soldiers to kill all babies two years old and younger. He considered the baby Jesus a threat to his lavish lifestyle and wanted Him dead.

Traditionally, the babies Herod’s soldiers slaughtered are called the Holy Innocents because they’d done absolutely nothing wrong. In truth, the only “crime” they committed was daring to be born at a time and in a place where the heads of state declared them unfit to live.

That’s precisely what the “holy innocents” of our day also face.

The heads of state here in America have declared that these children can be killed for any reason whatsoever or no reason whatsoever. But instead of Herod sending soldiers with spears to hunt down and kill them, Planned Parenthood sends out abortionists armed with razor-sharp scalpels, vice-grip forceps and deadly suction machines.

We work so hard and fight so fiercely to protect these babies because we see the unborn baby Jesus in each and every one of them. If you ever get discouraged, remember these words from the late Congressman (and pro-life champion) Henry Hyde:

“When the time comes, as it surely will, when we face that awesome moment, the final judgment, I’ve often thought, as Fulton Sheen wrote, that it is a terrible moment of loneliness. You have no advocates, you are there alone standing before God and a terror will rip through your soul like nothing you can imagine. But I really think that those in the pro-life movement will not be alone. I think there will be a chorus of voices that have never been heard in this world but are heard beautifully and clearly in the next world and they will plead for everyone who has been in this movement. They will say to God, ‘Spare him because he loved us,’ and God will look at you and say not,‘Did you succeed?’ but “Did you try?’”

That is a message for every pro-life warrior. God does not hold us accountable for ending abortion in our lifetime. The only thing He’s going to hold us accountable for is whether or not we gave it our all and refused to quit regardless of the odds against us or the power of the enemy. Just like those of us at Life Dynamics, we know that you are not about to abandon His unborn children.

The unborn are our Lord’s children who you have freely and willingly chosen to help protect and defend, just as Joseph protected and defended the infant Jesus from the tyranny of Herod. And when your judgment day comes, God will hear that “chorus of voices” Congressman Hyde spoke about.

The Gift Of Life.

So as you’re putting the final items of your Christmas list together, please remember to include something for your little unborn brothers and sisters. Give them the same gift our Lord gave you that first Christmas: The Gift Of Life. And there’s no better way for you to do that than to continue your partnership with Life Dynamics. All of our work depends on you. Not most of what we do – all of it. So please, don’t shrug this off thinking somebody else will help us.

The truth is that 2018 has been the most challenging year in our history and we continue to struggle financially. So if you would send a gift today to help support the projects Life Dynamics is working on right now, and those we have planned for the future, we would be extremely grateful.

We’re not in this to put up a good fight. We’re here to WIN because that’s the only way we’ll defeat the abortionists and stop the killing. Together, you and I can make 2019 the best year ever for the pro-life cause!

On behalf of everyone here at Life Dynamics, we wish you and your loved ones a heartfelt Merry Christmas. May God fill you with His joy and peace at this holy time of year. May He bless you and watch over you throughout the coming year.

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