TY Hilton cradles football in end zone following birth of daughter

An Indiana Colts football player has touched the hearts of the nation after he cradled the football he carried into the end zone like a baby shortly after his wife delivered their newborn girl. http://youtu.be/Gjaf9VL8dsQ T.Y. Hilton played in Sunday’s Colts-Jaguars football game despite his wife Shantrell, giving birth to their daughter, Eugenia, earlier that…

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An Indiana Colts football player has touched the hearts of the nation after he cradled the football he carried into the end zone like a baby shortly after his wife delivered their newborn girl.


T.Y. Hilton played in Sunday’s Colts-Jaguars football game despite his wife Shantrell, giving birth to their daughter, Eugenia, earlier that morning.

I was holding her and just walking at about 11:15 [a.m.] then I said, ‘Baby you want the game ball or touchdown ball?’ That was my goal, to get both of those for her,” Hilton said.

Hilton caught a 73-yard touchdown, ran into the end zone where he celebrated by rocking the football. Following the game, Hilton was incredibly emotional when asked how he was able to play.


Very emotional game for me. Little bit of rest … just came out here and gave it my all,” Hilton said, his voice breaking.

Hilton broke into tears of emotion when asked how he doing so soon after his daughter was born.

Again, very emotional. I ain’t got no pulse in my body today,” Hilton said, fighting back tears. “I’ve been there with my baby girl the whole time I just want to give it my all and play this game for her.”

After the game, the proud father tweeted this loving message to his little girl, “My princess got the game ball today. I promised u a td on your special day.”

TY Hilton Baby

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