What a Trump Presidency Means For The Pro-Life Movement
While many conservatives are calling Trump’s election a victory, the hosts of LifeTalk warns that this is “not the time to sit back and get comfortable.”
On November 8th, Donald Trump was elected the next president of the United States.

Few would argue the fact that those who believe in the sanctity of life dodged a bullet when Hillary Clinton lost her bid to become President of the United States.
With the opportunity to nominate at least one Supreme Court justice, and the potential for several more, it is undeniable that she would have packed the Supreme Court with pro-abortion radicals. The evidence also shows she would have used the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Justice to come after the pro-life movement – exactly like her husband did in the 1990s .
While many conservatives are calling Trump’s election a victory, the hosts of Life Talk warns that this is “not the time to sit back and get comfortable.”
The unfortunate truth is that the pro-life movement has had the tendency to relax in past years when someone who claims to be pro-life is elected president.
Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher, points out that it was Ronald Regan (who was thought to be one of America’s most pro-life presidents) that appointed the radically pro-abortion justice Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court. This is a crucial point in time for the Supreme Court and the stakes are too high to let that happen this time. Crutcher warns, however, that pro-lifers should be cautious about Trump.
“We have to understand he’s not a crusader…This is a political thing for him. It’s not a core-value – where he gets up and just frets about the unborn and says, ‘what am I going to do?’ He’s not going to be a crusader – we can’t expect him to be.”
Time will tell what Donald Trump will do to protect the unborn. But it would be dangerously unwise to think that he is going to do our work for us.

Trump’s election changes nothing in regards to our responsibility.
Recently, the pro-life movement has gained tremendous momentum. But the more we march forward, the harder the abortion lobby and its supporters will push back. Right now they are attacking pro-life organizations in ways that wouldn’t be tolerated in any “other area of American life.” LifeTalk co-host, Melissa Conway of Texas Right to Life, reminds viewers that the stakes are high,
“…it doesn’t change the fact that our pro-life freedom of speech is currently under attack. It doesn’t change the fact that pregnancy centers across this country are under attack…we have so much work to do.”
The reality is that, despite our feelings on the elections and the candidates, this responsibility wouldn’t have changed – no matter who was elected.
“Our responsibility is still the same as it was,” says Crutcher. “It wouldn’t have mattered whether Hillary Clinton won or Donald Trump won – our responsibility doesn’t change. We have taken on the mantle of this battle.”

“The only way to make America great again is to protect the most vulnerable among us.”
We know our victory will come from continually doing our duty. So despite the understandable temptation to “sit back,” now isn’t the time to rest, it’s the time to fight.
“The only way that we’re going to advance the culture of Life – and save more lives every single day – is by continually pushing the envelope,” challenges co-host Elizabeth McClung. “Continually getting involved on the local level, in the legislative process, at our local pregnancy centers, going to pray at our local abortion center.”
The pro-choice movement is constantly expressing their bewilderment at the tenacity of the pro-life movement. They were always convinced that we would be gone by now. Now, we have a real chance to change the culture of America to the culture of life.
See more in the LifeTalk episode: What a Trump Presidency Means for the Pro-Life Movement.
Watch Now:
*P.S. :
Now that the elections are behind us, it’s time to re-focus. Over the last few months, so much of the pro-life movement’s resources have been diverted to the elections. Life Dynamics desperately needs your help in order to continue producing the programs and projects that will help bring down the Abortion Goliath.
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