Episode 20: Deceptions, Double Standards, and Denials

Episode 20: Deceptions, Double Standards, and Denials

Episode Synopsis: This week, we debunk the claim often regurgitated by the pro-choice side, that pro-lifers don’t care about babies after they’re born. Plus, we discuss the latest news like pro-lifers being arrested for writing “Black Pre-Born Lives Matter” in chalk and how Joe Biden was denied communion. Episode Duration: 24 min In This Episode…

Free speech lawsuit filed by pro-life students against University settled for $20K

In a victory for pro-life students in Idaho, Boise State University has agreed to pay $20K to pro-life students and has revised its policy for campus demonstrations to allow controversial events without warning signs. The decision follows a lawsuit filed on behalf of the pro-life student group Abolitionists4Life. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which represented…

Black professor agrees that Planned Parenthood’s eugenics history needs to be told

An African American professor has told a pro-life group that he believes that the eugenics history of Planned Parenthood needs to be exposed. The conversation took place as the pro-life group Students for Life was traveling the nation educating college students about the evils of Planned Parenthood with a campus display. It’s called the “Planned…

School censors pro-life club attorneys call it violation of student’s right

A Nevada school district has been accused of unconstitutionally discriminating against a student on campus by denying her the right to form a pro-life club at her local high school. According to the Thomas More Society, a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm, West Career and Technical Academy is violating the right’s of sophomore Angelique…

School district discriminates against pro-life students say attorneys

UPDATE: In May due to the legal intervention of Thomas More Society attorneys, North Dakota high school officials have officially recognized the two Students for Life Clubs. https://youtu.be/GguXtp3sOMY PREVIOUS REPORT: A national public interest law firm has claimed that a North Dakota school district has unconstitutionally discriminated against the rights of students after they refused…

Millennials confront Congressional reps on abortion

At 22 weeks pregnant, Students for Life Capital Area Regional Coordinator, Michele Hendrickson, visited the offices of several Congressional Representatives in Washington, D.C. with other millennials yesterday to bring up their concerns about abortion. Hendrickson reflected on the day when she wrote, “The biggest disappointment of the day? Meeting with Congressman Tim Ryan’s (D-OH) Chief…

Regret versus abortion stigma !

A number of websites have been created by the abortion lobby to sell abortion as a good thing for women. Now, a new effort is under way by advocates of abortion to encourage women who have abortions to share their stories, in an attempt to erase “abortion stigma.” Pro-life leader, Kristan Hawkins, who is the…