Episode 129 | Population Control & Eugenics Efforts Disguised as “Aid”

Episode 129 | Population Control & Eugenics Efforts Disguised as “Aid”

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, we cover the scandal that most Americans have no idea they are footing the bill for. This episode will have your blood boiling as we reveal and provide proof of how eugenics and population control efforts are being thrust on foreign countries under the guise of “aid.”

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

Episode 55 | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “I am a Planned Parenthood Baby!”

During a meeting of the House Oversight and Reform Committee recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hailed Planned Parenthood, claiming that their “prenatal care” saved “many babies” including herself. But Planned Parenthood’s own employees have been recorded saying that they don’t offer “prenatal care.” Special guest, Sheila Crutcher, joins us to discuss myth vs reality regarding the services that Planned Parenthood offers and the hypocrisy of pro-choice politicians who push them as healthcare for the poor.