Aborted baby body parts described as “humanitarian undertakings” as House leader calls for investigation

The PR Firm which is sending releases to the media on behalf of Planned Parenthood has described their grisly aborted baby body parts operation as “humanitarian undertakings” while a GOP House leader calls for an investigation. The Weekly Standard was first to pick up the horrific language posting it to their website and writing: “Aborted…

Texas Governor orders investigation of Planned Parenthood after ghoulish baby body parts vid surfaces

The Governor of Texas has ordered an investigation into Planned Parenthood after an under cover video showing them selling aborted baby body parts went viral yesterday. The shocking three year undercover investigation, dubbed the “Human Capital” project, was conducted by the The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and directed by CMP project lead David Daleiden….

Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina calls Planned Parenthood baby body part sales outrageous

2016 presidential hopeful and the only GOP female contender in the race, Carly Fiorina, has spoken out against Planned Parenthood selling aborted baby parts. In post on her Facebook page, Fiorina writes, “I am proudly pro-life. I believe that every human life has potential and that every human life is precious. This latest news is…

Pro-life group cites 60 babies saved from abortion in 2015

Babies are being saved from abortion and pro-lifers attribute it to a constant presence outside the abortion and Planned Parenthood facilities. Brian Gibson, executive director at Pro-Life Action Ministries, recently cited 60 saves so far in 2015 alone from counselors associated with his organization. “Two more babies saved last Friday! One at Whole Women’s in…

Couple refuses to abort unborn baby diagnosed with severe heart defect

A couple whose unborn baby was diagnosed with a severe heart defect refused doctor’s advice to have an abortion and are now waiting for a heart transplant for their daughter. At 20 weeks, just before Christmas last year, doctors told parents Rachel Boddle and Tom Butler that their unborn daughter had only half a heart….

Abortion advocate arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs

A pro-choice man has been arrested after throwing paint on pro-life signs being held by members of Canada’s ‘Show the Truth’ pro-life organization. About 50 pro-lifers held signs containing the images of abortion victims in downtown Kingston earlier this week when they were met by pro-choice activists. A local media outlet reported what happened next:…

Mother’s letter to daughter’s killer details how she refused abortion years prior

The mother of a 20-year old woman who was tragically shot and murdered has penned a touching letter to her killer detailing how she refused to have an abortion when she was pregnant with her daughter. Police say that Milan Arriola wasn’t the intended victim when 20-year-old Will Reed gunned her down while she drove…