Pro-Life check scandal exposed supporting abortion groups !

A company which sells pro-life checks alongside checks with Christian messages called, Life Checks, has been duping pro-life people for years promoting organizations that support abortion under other company names. Pro-life checks are a great way for pro-life people to get the message out about abortion but an investigation conducted by Life Dynamics in 2005…

Abortionist convicted of sexually abusing patients will remain behind bars in lost appeal

An Arizona court has rejected an appeal by an abortionist who was convicted of sexually abusing several patients in his Phoenix abortion clinic. In 2004, abortionist Brian Finkel was found guilty in Marcopa County Superior Court of 22 counts of criminal sexual abuse. Finkel was originally charged with 67 sex counts. On Thursday, the Court…

Pro-life business owner on abortion requirement in insurance policies, “My brother is a face of the almost aborted child”

Washington State is considering legislation to require every insurance policies to cover abortion and one business owner has a unique reason why he opposes the legislation. “My brother is a face of the almost aborted child,” said one Washington business owner to the state legislature. H.R. 1647 requirements read: Requires a health plan, issued or…

Planned Parenthood to close center once target of pro-life sting

A Planned Parenthood in Colorado which was once the target of a pro-life sting has announced that they will be closing. Planned Parenthood says they plan to close their Pueblo facility because their lease has expired and the shopping center they rented from has no intention of renewing it. According to reports, the shopping center…

Black History Month exposes abortion and Planned Parenthood on Twitter

As Planned Parenthood takes to Twitter during Black History Month, others are tweeting messages exposing the real agenda of abortion and Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, a racist member of the American Eugenics Society, and since Life Dynamics produced the powerful documentary Maafa21, their history and radical eugenic agenda is beening…

NY Abortion clinics like something out of a back alley, say ads published by pro-life group

Filthy, dirty, like something out of a back alley, so say women’s reviews of abortion clinics in three ads published by a pro-life group in New York. In 2012, 37% of all viable pregnancies in New York City ended in abortion. This is nearly twice the national average. According to the Chiaroscuro Group, only 17…

Pro-life abortion victim signs destroyed during High School outreach

An angry homeowner attacked the pro-life group Created Equal while they displayed abortion victim images outside a Columbus area High School in Ohio. The attack occurred February 4, 2015 while members of Created Equal were standing on a public sidewalk outside Beechcroft High School. The man came out of his home, which was in the…

Millennials confront Congressional reps on abortion

At 22 weeks pregnant, Students for Life Capital Area Regional Coordinator, Michele Hendrickson, visited the offices of several Congressional Representatives in Washington, D.C. with other millennials yesterday to bring up their concerns about abortion. Hendrickson reflected on the day when she wrote, “The biggest disappointment of the day? Meeting with Congressman Tim Ryan’s (D-OH) Chief…