Large baby shower held by pro-life group opposing Planned Parenthood

A pro-life group in a California city has organized the “BIGGEST and BEST Baby Shower ever” to promote life in the face of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic opening in the area. Thousands have spoken out against Planned Parenthood’s plans to perform abortions in the majority Hispanic community of El Centro. They have organized rallies…

School censors pro-life club attorneys call it violation of student’s right

A Nevada school district has been accused of unconstitutionally discriminating against a student on campus by denying her the right to form a pro-life club at her local high school. According to the Thomas More Society, a not-for-profit, national public interest law firm, West Career and Technical Academy is violating the right’s of sophomore Angelique…

Journalist in shocking Gosnell interview says abortion doc “chilled my blood”

The producers of a documentary film on Kermit Gosnell who operated Pennsylvania’s “House of Horrors” abortion clinic where babies were killed after they were born alive has revealed shocking new details about the now jailed abortionist. Ann McElhinney, producer of the film, Gosnell The Movie, spoke to Dana Loesch at The Blaze, after returning from…

Abortion advocates censor Black Lives Matter protest outside Planned Parenthood

Radical communist protesters tried to censor a Black Lives Matter demonstration outside Planned Parenthood which targets the African American community with abortion. Pro-life protesters carrying the Black Lives Matter posters were greeted by the local communist group in Austin. The Planned Parenthood protest was organized by InfoWars to draw attention to the number of Black…

Media looks other way as more Kermit Gosnells remain

A national pro-life leader says that as we pass another anniversary since the murder convictions of abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, the media continues to look the other way while more Gosnells remain. In May of 2013, Gosnell was found guilty on three counts of first-degree murder involving the deaths of four babies delivered alive and…

Pregnant woman + baby rescued reporter reports THREE people saved!

A North Texas reporter has correctly called the rescue of a pregnant woman and a five month old baby from flood waters a “rescue of three.” Several reports of tornado touch downs occurred on Mother’s Day weekend in Denton County and the surrounding North Texas area. The pro-life group, Life Dynamics, which is located in…

No criminal charges for church which displayed pro-life signs on private property

Officials have rescinded their threat to levy criminal charges against a local church over its display of pro-life messages on private property. On April 20, 2015, The Virginia church located in the City of Harrisburg was ordered by the to take down the two pro-life signs which were displayed on their property. Life Dynamics first…