Abortion advocates defend Purvi Patel who threw newborn in trash

Abortion rights advocates are rushing to the defense of Purvi Patel, a woman convicted of feticide after throwing her newborn baby in a trash dumpster. The state of Indiana has sentenced the 33-year-old to 20 years in prison after taking abortion pills to abort the baby who was roughly thirty (30) weeks from conception. Prosecutor…

NY dept. of probation uses Planned Parenthood program to “educate” male sexual offenders

A New York department of probation is referring sexual predators between the ages of 16 to 25 to a treatment program written by Planned Parenthood. The program, offered by the Clinton County Department of Probation in Plattsburgh, New York is called Responsible Men’s Group. The Clinton County Department of Probation website describes the program as…

Abortionist claims he is a pro-choice Christian; pro-life leader calls it a lie

Abortionist Willie Parker, who aborts unborn babies in Mississippi, along with other so-called “faith leaders,” has organized an event in Texas to push the lie that you can be a pro-choice Christian. The gathering of heretics will take place at Austin’s Temple Beth Shalom on March 10th, where the abortionist and his cohorts plan to…

GOP Speaker target of pro-life demonstration over late term abortion ban

Activists are organizing a pro-life demonstration at the offices of the GOP Speaker to call on him to reschedule a vote on a bill that would make abortions after 20 weeks illegal. Organizers, Rev. Patrick Mahoney and Jill Stanek say they plan to hold a peaceful sit-in at the offices of Speaker John Boehner on…

Abortion doc who “removes the pregnancy” sees killing babies as a “calling”

An abortion doc who claims that he “removes the pregnancy” describes the killing of unborn babies with abortion as a “calling.” On a former episode of Life Talk TV, host Mark Crutcher and the panel discuss statements made by abortionist Dennis Christensen. Christensen began killing unborn babies in 1973, the year Roe v. Wade was…

ObamaCare architect removed from health board

Gov. Charlie Baker has removed MIT economist Jonathan Gruber known as the ObamaCare architect who espoused abortion as eugenics from the Massachusetts Health Connector Board, according to the Boston Glob. Jonathan Gruber, a former consultant and adviser during ObamaCare’s creation, was caught on tape admitting that he and his fellow administration insiders knew they had…

Pro-Life check scandal exposed supporting abortion groups !

A company which sells pro-life checks alongside checks with Christian messages called, Life Checks, has been duping pro-life people for years promoting organizations that support abortion under other company names. Pro-life checks are a great way for pro-life people to get the message out about abortion but an investigation conducted by Life Dynamics in 2005…

Obama fails to expose Planned Parenthood in Grammy Speech

A National pro-life leader is criticizing President Obama’s failure to expose Planned Parenthood, the largest organization responsible for the cover-up of men who rape girls during last night’s Grammy Awards. President Obama delivered a video message at the 57th annual Grammy Awards addressing violence against women and girls. The message read in part, “Together we…

Abortion advocates called savages for defending woman convicted of feticide

A national pro-life leader has called abortion advocates, savages, after they defended a woman recently convicted of feticide after taking abortion pills to kill her baby. Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas said abortion advocates never met a baby they didn’t want to kill. 33-year-old Purvi…