NY dept. of probation uses Planned Parenthood program to “educate” male sexual offenders

A New York department of probation is referring sexual predators between the ages of 16 to 25 to a treatment program written by Planned Parenthood. The program, offered by the Clinton County Department of Probation in Plattsburgh, New York is called Responsible Men’s Group. The Clinton County Department of Probation website describes the program as…

A New York department of probation is referring sexual predators between the ages of 16 to 25 to a treatment program written by Planned Parenthood.

Clinton COuntry Planned Parenthood

The program, offered by the Clinton County Department of Probation in Plattsburgh, New York is called Responsible Men’s Group.

The Clinton County Department of Probation website describes the program as one geared toward sexual offenders who have abused underage females, ” Another program facilitated through the Clinton County Department of Probation/ATI offers education to young men ages 16 to 25 who have offended against underage females. This is entitled the Responsible Men’s Group, dealing with the male role in society, healthy relationships, and men’s health issues,”

the website states.

Clinton County sexual offender Planned Parenthood underage Responsible Mens

The Clinton County Department of Probation/ATI website says the program is facilitated by a Health Educator from Planned Parenthood despite documentation that nationally Planned Parenthood has covered up the sexual abuse and rape of “underage females”:

    This is a 10-week educational program which is facilitated by a Health Educator from Northern Adirondack Planned Parenthood and a Probation Officer from the Clinton County Department of Probation/ATI. A satisfactory program completion will be based on attendance, participation in group discussion, and completion of any homework assignments.

Clinton COuntry sex offender program Planned Parenthood

According to a probation facilitator who spoke with Life Dynamics, the program was written by Planned Parenthood and is generally offered twice a year at the county facility.

The Clinton County probation representative said Planned Parenthood’s Responsible Men’s Group is a 10 week “educational only” program where the Planned Parenthood facilitator discusses age of consent with offenders among other topics.

The probation representative told Life Dynamics that their offenders range in age from 16 to 25 and can go as high as 28 depending on their mental capacity. She gave an example of the typical offender they refer as a 19 year-old male who may have impregnated a 16-year-old minor. In New York the age of consent is 17 years-old, the probation officer said.

According to the Clinton County government website, only certain crimes will be acceptable for inclusion in admission to Planned Parenthood’s Responsible Men’s Group program.

Those include:

    Sexual Abuse
    Sexual Misconduct
    and Endangering the Welfare of a Child.

However, the Clinton Country probation spokesperson told Life Dynamics that the program, which has been in effect for several years, has also expanded to include other male defendants in the 16 to 25 age group who have a violent conviction.

In 2002, Life Dynamics did an undercover investigation proving that the abortion industry is covering for sexual pedophiles.

During the investigation, the undercover caller, posing as a 13-year-old girl impregnated by a 21-year-old man called over 800 Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics and in many cases was told that, despite obvious illegal sexual conduct of an adult male having a sexual relationship with a minor, Planned Parenthood would not report the sexual activity to anyone.

An example of this can be heard in a call placed to the Northern Adirondack Planned Parenthood in Plattsburgh, NY.

Planned Parenthood Plattsburgh NY

You can listen to that call here.

Northern Adirondack Planned Parenthood child predators

In the audio, Planned Parenthood is clearly told that the caller is almost 14 and that her boyfriend, who may have impregnated her is 21. Planned Parenthood is asked if they will tell anyone of the sexual relationship, the transcript below reveals their response:

CALLER: It’s Carter. But I have a question really.

I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22, and he wanted to take care of it now. Would he be able to do that, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: We wouldn’t tell your parents anyway, not unless you tell us to. But like if they called here, we wouldn’t be able to tell them anything.

CALLER: But would anybody else have to know?


The caller later asks:

CALLER: But I was actually wanting to ask some other questions too.


CALLER: We were talking about all this, me and my boyfriend, and we don’t want anyone to know about us. But if he was paying for it all, would he have to sign anything or put his name on anything?

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Is he paying cash?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: No. He can just give you the money, you hand it to us, and we wouldn’t even know about him at all.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

And further into the conversation the caller asks:

CALLER: Oh, all right. Another thing is, I can’t drive yet. Would my boyfriend be able to pick up the birth control?

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: You would actually have to come in for the visit to get the birth control. But then after that, like every month if he wanted to pick it up, as long as you let us know that it was okay for him to pick it up, then he could.

CALLER: Okay. But you’re absolutely sure that no one would have to know about anything?


Child Predator -2nd part

Recently, Life Dynamics published a follow-up report of actual criminal cases where Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics covered for sexual predators by failing to report abuse.

That report can be read here.

Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc. who wrote the The Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse report, had this response, “Obviously Planned Parenthood is the right place to send these sexual offenders because Planned Parenthood is in the pedophile protection business. Who knows better about this than Planned Parenthood does.

A copy of the Child Predator report and investigation has been forwarded to the Clinton County Department of Probation for their review.


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