#79 – Survey Says…
The abortion lobby claims that there is a pro-choice majority in America. But what do most Americans actually think about abortion? Let’s dive in…
The abortion lobby claims that there is a pro-choice majority in America. But what do most Americans actually think about abortion? Let’s dive in…
Some politicians claim to be pro-life, but say they would not impose their personal beliefs on others. Watch to see why this claim is an utter sham.
The pro-choice side argues that outlawing abortion will not end it and that women have always had abortions and always will. Of course, by this simple-minded logic, nothing should be illegal since no law has ever been one hundred percent effective.
The pro-choice side claims that when it comes to abortion, they trust women to make their own decisions. But why do they only apply it to abortion?
The pro-choice side says that the law has no right to control what a woman does with her own body. But let’s follow the science…
Abortion defenders say that the real issue is not abortion, but whether we trust women. This is, of course, pure idiocy.
bortion supporters claim that states need to keep abortion legal. But before a state decides what its abortion policies will be in the future, maybe it would be wise to ask what legalized abortion has brought us in the past.
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