Episode 18: Uncomfortable Truths About Sex Education

Episode 18: Uncomfortable Truths About Sex Education

Episode Synopsis: We put sex education programs under a microscope and discuss the results of the different sex education approaches, what kids are really being taught, and how, for Planned Parenthood, setting foot inside classrooms for sex education is just the first step towards their real goal. This episode proves that that no parent, adult,…

The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood: Sex Education

The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood: Sex Education

“Fact: Planned Parenthood is the single largest provider of sex education in the United States, reaching 1.5 million people with education and outreach each year.”  1 That fact comes directly from Planned Parenthood’s website and it should strike fear into every person in the United States, especially parents. While Planned Parenthood, the media and even…