#99 – Bearing “The Rapist’s Child”
The pro-choice side argues that a woman who is pregnant from rape should not have to bear the child of the monster who attacked her. But that cannot be avoided. Here’s the truth…
The pro-choice side argues that a woman who is pregnant from rape should not have to bear the child of the monster who attacked her. But that cannot be avoided. Here’s the truth…
Abortion apologists say that when a woman is pregnant from rape she should not be forced to have the baby. Watch to see the two big flaws with this argument and why many rape victims say their abortion was the worst decision they ever made.
A 58 minute documentary published online about abortion and rape answers the so-called hard cases by interviewing victims of rape as well as children born of rape and incest. All too often we hear that abortion should be allowed for cases of rape and incest. But, just as the unborn had no voice until pro-life…