Episode 80 | Double Standards of the Left

Episode 80 | Double Standards of the Left

The left shouts, “no uterus, no opinion” – yet says that men can get pregnant. The UK now recognizes that octopuses, crabs and lobsters are sentient beings – yet not the unborn. Meanwhile, the same animal rights supporters who cry for the protection of eagle eggs have no problem with the destruction of unborn lives. All this and more in an episode dedicated to some of the biggest double standards of the left!

Episode 59 | “Birthing People” & More Loopy Language From The Left

Episode 59 | “Birthing People” & More Loopy Language From The Left

This week, we discuss the latest news stories revealing the left’s love of verbal gymnastics – including the White House’s new budget replacing the word mothers with “birthing people,” and a British pro-choicer’s new term for men found in their op-ed titled, “A letter to the Anti-Abortion Protestors.” Plus, we discuss the graduation speech that has literally everyone talking.

Pro-life campaign outside NEA convention over abortion

Today, dozens of concerned pro-lifers in Orlando, Florida are conducting an awareness campaign outside the NEA Teacher’s Union Convention to expose their support of abortion. According to Bob Pawson, director of Pro-Life Educators of America, who heads up the annual campaign, pro-Life teachers, parents, and students from the greater Orlando area hope to educate the…