Episode 90 | Day of Tears

Episode 90 | Day of Tears

This week on the Pro-Life America podcast, special guest Flanna Sheridan from Day of Tears joins us to discuss the organization that has state by state declaring January 22nd the “Day of Tears” – and what that means for our country. But first, we take a moment to discuss the Russian attacks on Ukraine.

Episode 47 | States Declare War Against Abortion

Episode 47 | States Declare War Against Abortion

Despite conservatives not having control in the Oval Office and in the Senate, conservatives are not backing down in the fight against abortion. As mentioned in a Huffington Post article, a tidal wave of pro-life bills are being introduced by states. We discuss this and other victories. But as Sarah points out, we must be careful because Republican does not always mean pro-life.

Boehner calls for Planned Parenthood investigation asks HHS which gave millions to PP to stop gruesome practices

Speaker of the House John Boehner is calling for congressional hearings into the practices of Planned Parenthood calling for the head of HHS which gave PP millions to put a stop their gruesome practices. “Nothing is more precious than life, especially an unborn child. When anyone diminishes an unborn child, we are all hurt, irreversibly…

Aborted baby body parts described as “humanitarian undertakings” as House leader calls for investigation

The PR Firm which is sending releases to the media on behalf of Planned Parenthood has described their grisly aborted baby body parts operation as “humanitarian undertakings” while a GOP House leader calls for an investigation. The Weekly Standard was first to pick up the horrific language posting it to their website and writing: “Aborted…

Texas Governor orders investigation of Planned Parenthood after ghoulish baby body parts vid surfaces

The Governor of Texas has ordered an investigation into Planned Parenthood after an under cover video showing them selling aborted baby body parts went viral yesterday. The shocking three year undercover investigation, dubbed the “Human Capital” project, was conducted by the The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) and directed by CMP project lead David Daleiden….

2nd pro-life protest to target Boehner over late term abortion

Pro-life leaders say they have planned a second protest at Speaker John Boehner’s office if there is further delay on a late term abortion ban. Several local and national pro-life groups say they are organizing the demonstration at the Republican Speaker’s office, if the U.S. House does not pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act….