More Planned Parenthood vids coming as HHS grants them millions of dollars

The lead investigator who exposed Planned Parenthood for harvesting aborted baby body parts has said he will unveil more tapes as millions in tax dollars are granted to PP from HHS for a teen pregnancy pregnancy. Earlier this week, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) unveiled a shocking three year undercover investigation into Planned Parenthood’s…

Over $5 Million in grant money to Planned Parenthood abortion biz

Over 5 million dollars in federal grant money has just been allocated to various Planned Parenthood affiliates under a teen prevention program run by HHS. The announcement came July 4, 2015 from the Office of Adolescent Health, which is responsible for implementing and administering the national, evidence based Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program. The TPP…

Alveda King challenges Planned Parenthood prez to abortion talk

Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. has challenged the president of Planned Parenthood to an abortion talk. In April, Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood claimed she wanted an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” in an op-Ed she wrote which was published in Time. In the article, Richards, whose Planned…

Planned Parenthood wants an authentic abortion dialogue – pro-lifers say bring it!

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood claims they want an “authentic public dialogue about abortion” and the pro-life community says bring it on! In an op-Ed written by Cecile Richards and published in Time, the president of Planned Parenthood writes, “America has an urgent need for authentic public dialogue about abortion.” Life Dynamics, a national pro-life organization…

Planned Parenthood Ferguson tweet outrages Black genocide film producer

A Ferguson tweet by Planned Parenthood has outraged the producer of the Black Genocide documentary film, Maafa21, who said the organization has done more damage to the Black community than the Klan. Charlie Butts from One News Now interviewed Life Dynamics‘ president Mark Crutcher producer of Maafa21, who said Planned Parenthood has no business camping…

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood wants to be thanked for “care and compassion”

Abortion giant Planned Parenthood wants to be thanked despite the fact that they murder unborn children, are founded in eugenics, and hide child sexual abuse. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Planned Parenthood’s president sent out an e-mail asking the abortion giant’s supporters to send their staff a “thank you card” because she believes that they provide,…

Birth Control and abortion the great eugenic advances of our time

Today, Planned Parenthood’s president compared the celebration of birth control to Thanksgiving. In a tweet she posted for National Thank Birth Control Day, Cecile Richards said, “Happy #ThxBirthControl Day—like Thanksgiving, but for birth control! Here’s why I’m thankful.” We thought that since the abortion giant was celebrating birth control, we would publish quotes by early…