Third ambulance called to California abortion clinic in past few months

An ambulance has been summoned for the third time in the past few months to transfer a patient from a California abortion clinic. On the same day that pro-life sidewalk counselors Tim and Terri Palmquist reported that 5 babies were saved outside the FPA Women’s Health abortion clinic in Bakersfield, California, the Lifesavers Ministries couple…

Time to show abortion in progress says pro-life group targeting college campuses

Mark Harrington, the founder of the pro-life group Created Equal plans to show an “abortion in progress” on a JumboTron at Ohio State University (OSU) today. “Created Equal is a traveling photo exhibit that visits college and high school campuses around the country to show as many students as possible what abortion actually does to…

Voters say NO to Margaret Sanger on $20 bill

Following outrage from Black leaders and pro-lifers nationwide, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was resoundingly defeated as a candidate for the $20.00 bill. The group, Woman on 20’s initiated the campaign to replace Andrew Jackson with a woman on the currency. Candidates were selected from a field of 30 through a “vigorous survey process involving…

Investigation opened against Nebraska Planned Parenthood

An investigation opened against a Planned Parenthood in Nebraska may have prompted the unanticipated departure of the center’s abortion doctor. Monday, a local Nebraska media outlet announced that abortions had been halted at a Planned Parenthood in the state after the doctor left. According to the story, a “longtime” abortionist working for Planned Parenthood of…

Mom refused abortion for baby diagnosed with anencephaly “seeing her makes me so happy”

A baby diagnosed with anencephaly in the womb, which doctors said would not make it past childbirth, recommending abortion has celebrated her first birthday. “The doctors told me that most women choose abortion, but I wanted to give Angela a shot at life.” Those are the words of loving mother, Sonia Morales, after doctors told…

2nd pro-life protest to target Boehner over late term abortion

Pro-life leaders say they have planned a second protest at Speaker John Boehner’s office if there is further delay on a late term abortion ban. Several local and national pro-life groups say they are organizing the demonstration at the Republican Speaker’s office, if the U.S. House does not pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act….