Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Episode 61 | Pro-Choice Converts: Who’s Winnable?

Every day, pro-lifers debate pro-choicers online and attempt to sway their opinion. We discuss the important distinctions between different subgroups of pro-choicers, why some are “un-winnable,” and why it’s important to recognize this. Plus, we discuss a major debate trap that pro-lifers need to be aware of. All of this raises the question, are public debates on college campuses a waste of time? The answer may surprise you…

A Nation Without Hope

A Nation Without Hope

Watch the news or go on any social media platform and you are likely to see that some sort of tragic violence has taken place recently. It seems that we, as a nation, cannot escape it and the violence seems to be escalating. What causes this violence that hurts and kills human life? It depends on whom you ask but it really comes down to one thing…