Planned Parenthood: intact fetal cadavers a matter of line items
A 5th video has been released showing the nation’s largest Planned Parenthood abortion facility offering intact fetal cadavers referred to as “specimens.”
A 5th video has been released showing the nation’s largest Planned Parenthood abortion facility offering intact fetal cadavers referred to as “specimens.”
The lead investigator behind the undercover Planned Parenthood videos said abortion clinics ship fully intact fetuses to procurement company, Stem Express
Pro-life organizations have announced a national protest of Planned Parenthood after the abortion business was exposed in a grisly baby parts operation.
In a video released by a pro-life group you can hear a medical assistant in a Planned Parenthood path lab crack the skull of a baby after the abortion.
A complaint has been filed in NM calling for an investigation of an abortion clinic pro-lifers claim may be involved in baby parts harvesting business.
A Texas Congresswoman has said that what Planned Parenthood is doing with aborted babies is no different than the Nazi experiments during the holocaust.
HHS secretary, Sylvia Burwell, was grilled by lawmakers on department’s funding of Planned Parenthood following videos exposing their baby parts operation.
A pro-life group has released a third video in their baby parts investigation this time showing mutilated aborted babies at a Planned Parenthood facility.
Planned Parenthood suggests group that videoed their docs bragging about harvesting baby parts may have documented babies being processed after abortion.
A second undercover video shows Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director Council President haggling over payments for intact fetal specimens and offering to use a “less crunchy technique” to get more intact body parts. The video is the second one released from a three year under cover investigation conducted by The Center for Medical Progress, dubbed “Human…