Life Dynamics & Over 100 Leaders Demand Abortion Centers Close To Stop The Spread Of COVID-19
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE There can be no “sacred cows” in a pandemic. More than 100 national leaders and organizations released video proof of abortion facilities defiance of public health warnings and state and national health directives, putting all our lives at risk. These leaders and groups demand governors enforce pandemic health directives and close the…
There can be no “sacred cows” in a pandemic.
More than 100 national leaders and organizations released video proof of abortion facilities defiance of public health warnings and state and national health directives, putting all our lives at risk. These leaders and groups demand governors enforce pandemic health directives and close the doors to abortion businesses to stop the spread of the deadly Coronavirus.
While churches, schools and businesses have closed, it’s “business as usual” for abortion facilities as a video released by the groups today reveals. Abortion businesses continue to perform elective surgeries, risking our lives.
“There can be no ‘sacred cows’ in a pandemic,” said Janet Porter, President of Faith2Action. “Just as Governor Mike DeWine issued an order to ‘immediately stop performing elective surgical abortions,’ other Governors must follow suit to stop the spread of this deadly virus.” Porter added, “Those orders must also be enforced despite flagrant defiance from the abortion industry as revealed in the video released today.”
“If abortion is a ‘choice’ then abortion is an elective procedure,” said Mark Harrington President and Founder of Created Equal. “Abortionists want to have it both ways. In a clear double standard, abortion centers across the nation are staying open during this national health crisis, risking public health and safety,” said Harrington.
“Now they are risking your life,” said Mark Crutcher President of Life Dynamics. “If governors allow abortion businesses to remain open they are putting all of our lives at risk.”
Porter said, “No matter one’s position on abortion, we must come together in unity to stop the spread of the deadly Coronavirus and evenhandedly enforce public safety directives.”
Harrington added, “These centers must close their doors to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If they believe in the health and safety of Americans, they must comply with these orders to cease providing abortions.”
Porter stated, “As Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost’s deputy Jonathan Fulkerson stated in his letter to the abortion businesses, ‘This is an unprecedented time in the state’s history and everyone must do their part to help stop the spread of this disease.’ Everyone means everyone,” declared Porter.
The video and more than 100 national leaders and organizations can be found at the website along with the phone numbers and emails to reach the governors in all fifty states.
As Planned Parenthood reported in the video, abortion businesses defiantly remain open across the country continuing to perform elective surgeries which puts us all at risk. Help stop the spread by contacting your governor using the link above and tell them:
“Businesses have been forced to close but abortion centers defiantly remain open performing elective surgeries, putting ALL our lives at risk of the Coronavirus. I call on the governor to ACT NOW and issue an order to close all abortion businesses to stop the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus! There can be no ‘sacred cows’ in a pandemic.”
For more information, contact:
Janet Porter: 202-241-2228
Mark Harrington: 614-419-9000
Mark Crutcher: 940-380-8800
This press release was published by Faith2Action and originally appeared here.
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