New report: Abortion and Planned Parenthood centers continue to cover child rape
July 22, 2014 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “In reading these cases, you will see incident after incident, in which girls continued to be raped and sexually abused – sometimes for years – after the abortion clinic where they were taken ignored the state’s mandatory reporting law,” ~ Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher. Today, Life Dynamics Inc.,…
July 22, 2014
“In reading these cases, you will see incident after incident, in which girls continued to be raped and sexually abused – sometimes for years – after the abortion clinic where they were taken ignored the state’s mandatory reporting law,” ~ Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher.
Today, Life Dynamics Inc., a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, has released their second report exposing how the abortion industry covers for child sexual predators.
This new report, entitled, “The Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse”, shows clearly that the failure of abortion clinics to comply with mandatory reporting laws is having profound, real-world consequences for the victims of child sexual abuse.
Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics Inc. explains, “In almost every case of adult men having sex with minor girls, the perpetrators are aware that the relationship is illegal and could land them in prison. They also know that one of the most likely ways for them to get caught is for their victims to become pregnant. When that happens, their back up plan is inevitably going to involve abortion. As a result, there is no place within the medical community where underage victims of sexual abuse are more likely to be found than at abortion clinics. The question is: how are these girls dealt with when they show up at those clinics?”
According to Life Dynamics, in all 50 states, there are statutes that require adults, including healthcare workers, to report reasonable suspicions of child sexual abuse to a law enforcement or child protection services agency. In addition, when an underage girl seeks an abortion, a pregnancy test, contraceptive drugs or devices, or treatment for a sexually transmitted disease,that is evidence of sexual intercourse involving a girl who cannot legally consent to sexual intercourse.
Crutcher continues, “It is important to understand that mandatory reporters are neither obligated nor authorized to investigate these incidents. Whatever conclusions they might reach about the legality or illegality of a child’s sexual activity has no bearing on their obligations as mandatory reporters. If they are presented with evidence of sexual activity by a patient who, by reason of her age, cannot legally consent to sexual activity, their only duty is to report to the authorities. The responsibility for determining whether a criminal act has or has not occurred belongs only to the state.”
“An analogy to this is a situation in which a man is brought into a hospital emergency room with a gunshot wound,” Crutcher explains, “ In virtually every jurisdiction in the United States, any healthcare worker treating him is legally required to report the incident to authorities – despite the fact that a criminal act may or may not have caused the injury. The man might have accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun or he might have been shot while robbing a convenience store. But the medical staff has neither the responsibility nor the authority to make that determination. The nature of the care they are rendering is evidence of criminal activity and their only duty is to report.”
In their previous investigation, Life Dynamics documented that abortion clinics associated with both Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation are, with very few exceptions, completely ignoring the mandatory reporting statutes. (Listen to actual audio tapes of the calls here)
This new report, “The Cover-Up of Child Sexual Abuse” part two, contains actual cases of criminal prosecutions against men who have been caught having illegal sexual relationships with minor girls.
In each case, the victims were taken for abortions with no report being made by the abortion providers.
Calling their report the “tip of the iceberg”, Crutcher points out that the cases they document are a representative sample of the total number of criminal prosecutions the group found. He also explained that in the cases they highlighted, the sexual abuse against these children continued, sometimes for years, after they were brought before abortion clinic workers.
“Among experts who study this issue,” Crutcher states, “ it is almost universally accepted that sexual predators who target children almost never stop on their own. Instead, they continue until they are stopped by someone else. In reading the cases you will see incident after incident in which girls continued to be raped and sexually abused – sometimes for years – after the abortion clinic where they were taken ignored the state’s mandatory reporting law. But once the situation was eventually revealed to the authorities, the perpetrator was arrested and the abuse ended immediately. This illustrates why compliance with these laws is such an indispensable tool for dealing with our national epidemic of older males sexually exploiting underage girls.”
In one incident the report details the criminal case against a 44-year-old man who began having sex with his daughter when she was 13.
Life Dynamics discovered that when the victim became pregnant at 16, the abuser forced her to undergo an abortion at a Planned Parenthood facility. The girl later testified that even though her father helped her complete the paperwork at the clinic, signed the consent forms for the procedure and remained nearby during almost every step of the process, she was able to tell the clinic’s staff that he was forcing her to have sex with him. Despite that, Life Dynamics says that it is evident that no report was filed by the clinic since the rapes continued for another year and a half after the abortion.
Another pedophile that began having sex with his stepdaughter when she was 10 years old also chose Planned Parenthood after he impregnated his victim. The report says that the victim refused to submit to the abortion at that time but relented three days later and was taken to a second abortion clinic. Life Dynamics says that it was evident that no report was made by either abortion clinic since the assaults on the child resumed after this abortion.
A 39-year-old child rapist took his victim to a Planned Parenthood in California but was referred to a hospital for the abortion where he falsely claimed that he was the girl’s father. Life Dynamics states that it is clear that neither Planned Parenthood nor the hospital filed a report since the man continued to assault the girl for another seven months.
A 44-year-old pedophile who had abused several girls had taken them for at least seven abortions with no report filed by the clinics.
A 32-year-old man who raped his 13-year-old niece, took his victim to an abortion clinic in California. He ordered her to lie to the clinic staff about her age as well as the identity of her baby’s father. He also continued raping her after the abortion, making it clear that the clinic did not file a report.
A 52-year-old Texas police officer began a sexual relationship with the 14-year-old daughter of a woman he was dating. He chose a Houston area abortion clinic to cover his crimes. The man continued to assault the teen for years after her abortion until she came forward and told the authorities what was occurring.
A year after a 41-year-old pedophile began sexually assaulting his 13-year-old niece he drove her to an abortion clinic in North Carolina where he paid for the procedure. The girl later testified that the sexual attacks were often so violent that she would have to pick out specific clothing to cover the bruises he left on her. The man continued to rape the teen for two years after the abortion until she finally went to the police.
(The above summaries are only a few of the actual cases that Life Dynamics has documented. To read all the cases click here)
Life Dynamics points out that their latest report of criminal cases makes it clear that the abuse Life Dynamics documented in 2002, continues to this day.
Crutcher says it is critical that states enforce mandatory reporting laws and prosecute those who fail to report, “it is self-evident that when a minor girl seeks an abortion, she represents a textbook example of why mandatory reporting laws were created in the first place. Despite this, we have consistently found that the law enforcement community is functionally indifferent to the problem of abortion clinics not complying with mandatory reporting statutes even in the face of irrefutable evidence that violations are occurring. Among all the cases we researched – whether they are included in this report or not – we never found one example in which criminal charges were brought against an abortion clinic employee for failing to comply with their state’s mandatory reporting statutes. This was true even when this failure was (a) noted during the investigation and/or trial and (b) was a direct contributor to subsequent assaults on these children. In some cases, the abortion clinics flaunting of these laws even resulted in sexual assaults being committed against other underage girls.”
“The abortion lobby is engaged in a pedophile protection racket and protecting pedophiles who rape underage girls. This is an outrage and what is going on here is absolute and utter scandal,” Crutcher concludes.
For an interview contact Life Dynamics here (940) 380-8800
About Life Dynamics
Mark Crutcher’s Bio
Read the Report here
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