National anti-abortion leader calls for school to fire professor who attacked pro-life teen

“ You’re going to keep her on staff and let her try to mold young minds? Why wasn’t she fired? ” ~ Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc. Today, Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, is calling for the professor who attacked a pro-life teen…

Thrin Short Life Talk April 2014

You’re going to keep her on staff and let her try to mold young minds? Why wasn’t she fired? ” ~ Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc.

Mark Crutcher Life Talk April 2014
Today, Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas, is calling for the professor who attacked a pro-life teen on the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), to be fired.

Miller Young


On his monthly pro-life TV show, Life Talk, Crutcher, asked how parents can send their kids to UCSB where this professor remains employed after allegedly committing an act of assault on a 16 year-old teen, “What is wrong with the parents and the students themselves…paying all this money to go to an institution that would have a woman like this on staff?”


Crutcher then asks why the professor, Mireille Miller-Young, was not fired, calling her continued employment “bad judgment” on the part of UCSB, “Why wasn’t she fired? If I had a kid going there, first off I am going to call the school and say, you’re not getting another nickel from me as long as this woman’s on staff. Because, it indicates bad judgment on your part.”

Crutcher was outraged that UCSB has allowed Miller-Young to remain on staff despite her admitting to police that she “set a good example for her students” in stealing another person’s property.


Crutcher told his audience, that if he had a child in attendance at UCSB he would remove his financial support from the school immediately.

Crutcher said that if he were a parent, he would tell the school, “You’re judgment is so poor that this woman can admit that she did this thing and then come out and say I had the right to do it? And you’re going to keep her on staff, and you’re going to let her try to mold young minds? Not with my money, you’re not. Why are students still going there and why are parents still paying for it? That’s the part I don’t understand.”

You can watch Crutcher’s full interview with the victim in this case on his April Life Talk show, .


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