Sanctity of life motivated sand sculpture artist
Last week, Life Dynamics posted a story about a beautiful sand sculpture called the “Miracle of Life” and now we have learned what motivated the artist for his design. John Gowdy, one of two designers of “Miracle of Life,” took part in the The Siesta Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition where artists create…
Last week, Life Dynamics posted a story about a beautiful sand sculpture called the “Miracle of Life” and now we have learned what motivated the artist for his design.
John Gowdy, one of two designers of “Miracle of Life,” took part in the The Siesta Key Crystal Classic Master Sand Sculpting Competition where artists create a large community of carved sculptures from tons of sand.
“Miracle of Life” which shows the beauty of a baby cradled in his Creator’s hands was selected by attendees as the People’s Choice.
Gowdy said that he created the sculpture with his partner Jan Zelinka and that the sanctity of human life motivated his design, “What a miracle it is for a man and a woman to create another life,” he said.

Gowdy by profession is a fire captain but his true interest is in the visual arts. He paints portraits and nature scenes and sculpts both sand and stone.
Gowdy told Life Dynamics that he wanted his sculpture to address two key issues, “I tried to address two debated topics, abortion and same sex marriage. I don’t know if everyone got it… but that was my original intention.”
Gowdy’s work has been featured on the Discovery Channel, QVC Shopping Channel, CNBC, Martha Stewart Show, and The Travel Channel. His “Miracle of Life” sculpture is one more example of the creative way that the sanctity of life message can be shared.
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