(Cities: Anaheim – Fresno)
#158 – Planned Parenthood in Encinitas, CA
Listen to the Call:
332 SANTA FE DR. # 120
ENCINITAS, CA 92024-5131
TAPE – 158
(dialing sound) (ringing 1X)
CLINIC: Encinitas Planned Parenthood.
CALLER: Hi. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.
CLINIC: Yes, we do.
CALLER: How much does that cost?
CLINIC: It depends on your income. It ranges anywhere from $340 the least and $391 would be the most.
CALLER: Okay. Well, what if I don’t have an income? Like I’m 14, or I’ll be 14 in March.
CLINIC: Okay. So you would need to pay $340, but if you don’t think you’re going to come up with that, we would advise you to apply for emergency Medical.
CALLER: Okay. Well, like my boyfriend said he would pay it. Like –
CALLER: Because he was going to take care of everything.
CLINIC: Okay. So it would be $340.
CALLER: Okay. So even if like — like he has a job. He’s 22. So —
CLINIC: Yeah. We just go by your income. He’s 22 and you’re 14?
CLINIC: Okay. Yeah. We still go by your income.
CALLER: Okay. Well, do you guys have to tell my parents or anything? Because they would–
CLINIC: Well, the thing is, it’s confidential.
CALLER: Uh-huh.
CLINIC: But just keep in mind because you’re a minor and he’s an adult, even though it’s consensual, you really need to be careful because some places that you go to they can report that to —
CALLER: What would they, what would they do? What do you mean?
CLINIC: Well, because you’re a minor and he’s an adult. And even though you’re having consensual sex —
CALLER: So why is there anything wrong? What would have to be reported?
CLINIC: Well, no. I’m just saying like if you were to go somewhere. I’m not saying that’s what we’re going to do.
CALLER: Oh. But you guys won’t tell anybody?
CLINIC: No. But the thing is, in case of an emergency since you’re a minor, we had to send you to the hospital, we need to notify your parents, but we don’t —
CALLER: But they can’t find out at all.
CLINIC: Well, the thing is, in cases of an emergency and we had to send you to the hospital, the hospital will notify your parents.
CALLER: Well, why can’t my boyfriend just take care of it?
CLINIC: Well, the thing is, if you are a minor under 18 by law the hospital has to notify your parents regardless if you’re there with your boyfriend, if you’re there with your grandmother. If you’re a minor under 18 and something was to happen to you, automatically wherever you go they have to contact your parents. They don’t say that you’re at Planned Parenthood having an abortion. They just say you’re at the hospital for, you know. I just want you to be aware of that.
CALLER: But like you’re not going to tell anybody, right?
CLINIC: Oh, no.
CALLER: You wouldn’t tell anybody about my boyfriend or anything?
CLINIC: No. Um-um.
CALLER: Okay. Like if — would it be okay if he brought me because that’s the only person that could take me.
CLINIC: Yes, that’s fine.
CLINIC: That’s fine. But I just want you to be aware that in case of an emergency —
CALLER: Would they ask anything about him or anything?
CLINIC: I don’t know. You know what? I don’t know. I have no idea. But I’m just saying that in case of an emergency — because you do have to fill out a consent form.
CALLER: Oh. Well, like if —
CLINIC: Hold on just a moment, okay? Hold on. (pause) Hello? So I just want you to be aware that we do have you sign a consent in case of an emergency and we had to send you to the hospital.
CLINIC: But by law the hospital will notify your parents because you’re under 18.
CALLER: But you guys don’t have to tell them about my parents, or you don’t have to tell my parents?
CLINIC: No. Everything’s strictly confidential when you come here.
CALLER: Okay. So like you guys wouldn’t tell anybody at all?
CLINIC: No. Uh-uh.
CALLER: All right.
CLINIC: What’s the first day of your last normal period?
CALLER: It was in the first week of December.
CLINIC: And you’ve done a pregnancy test already?
CALLER: I did a home pregnancy test over the weekend.
CLINIC: Okay. I have — let’s see. I do have some cancellations for tomorrow. Otherwise, it would be Wednesday.
CALLER: Okay. Well, what time on Wednesday?
CLINIC: Wednesday I have anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30 or 12:00 to 1:00 would be the latest.
CALLER: Okay. Is it all right if I call my boyfriend and see?
CLINIC: We’re going to turn our phones over so — so you don’t want for tomorrow, right? Because you’re going to —
CALLER: Right. Yeah. Well, he has to be able to ask for the time off to take me.
CLINIC: Okay. Well, why don’t you go ahead and give us a call at 8:00 in the morning?
CALLER: All right.
CLINIC: Because there’s still a lot of appointments available.
CALLER: Okay. Well, what was your name?
CLINIC: Marie, and you can ask for me.
CALLER: Marie?
CLINIC: Uh-huh.
CALLER: All right.
CALLER: Thanks.
CLINIC: Uh-huh. Bye bye.
(phone clicks)
#159 – Planned Parenthood in Escondido, CA
Listen to the Call:
215 S HICKORY ST # 112
ESCONDIDO, CA 92025-4360
TAPE – 159
(dialing sound) (ringing 2X)
CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. How can I help you?
CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.
CLINIC: No, not at this facility. You either have to call Encinitas or Mission Valley.
CALLER: What? Where?
CLINIC: Encinitas.
CLINIC: You want their number?
CLINIC: It’s area code 760-634-8333.
CALLER: Oh, okay.
CLINIC: All right?
CALLER: Well, do you know — like my friend told me that you guys have to tell my parents before I can have an abortion. Is that true?
CLINIC: No. There’s no law in the state of California.
CALLER: Okay. Well, is there like a minimum age or anything? Because I’ll be 14 in March.
CLINIC: No, there isn’t.
CALLER: Well, do you know — so you’re sure that they wouldn’t have to tell my parents or anything?
CLINIC: Yeah. (unclear) But go ahead and call them and they will reassure you.
CALLER: Okay. Well, like — my problem is my boyfriend’s 22, and we’re going to get married and everything but they can’t tell my parents because they would totally freak. They just think he’s too old for me and they don’t want me to go out with him at all.
CLINIC: Okay. (laughs) Well, you just need to call the clinic so you can set up your appointment and let them know your situation.
CALLER: Okay. Well, say that I wasn’t pregnant. Do you guys do birth control there?
CLINIC: Yes, we do.
CALLER: Would you guys have to tell anybody about me having birth control?
CALLER: Okay. Well, like is it all right if my boyfriend brings me and everything?
CLINIC: Right. But you’re pregnant right now, right?
CALLER: Well, I think so.
CLINIC: Well, then you’re going to want to get that taken care of before you start birth control.
CALLER: Okay. Do you guys do a pregnancy test there?
CLINIC: Yes. We’ll be here until 3:30 if you want to come in today.
CALLER: Oh. Well, okay.
CALLER: I’ll call my boyfriend and see.
CLINIC: All right.
CALLER: Is it all right if I call you back if he had any questions that I forgot to ask?
CLINIC: Sure. Of course.
CALLER: What was your name?
CLINIC: Concetta (sp).
CLINIC: All right.
CALLER: Thanks.
CLINIC: Bye bye.
(phone clicks)
#516 – Planned Parenthood in Fairfield, CA
Listen to the Call:
FAIRFIELD, CA 94533-4611
TAPE – 516
(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)
CLINIC: Family Health Centers of Planned Parenthood. This is Rebecca. Can I help you?
CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?
CLINIC: Yes, we do.
CALLER: Well, how much does that cost?
CLINIC: Well, it depends on how, what term you are. If you’re a first trimester which is 11 1/2 weeks or less, it’s $345. Now anything over that we do not do at this clinic. You’d have to go somewhere else, and I know that the cost can increase by $100 or $200 each week after.
CALLER: Oh. Well, how do you know how far along you are?
CLINIC: Well, you could — if you are unsure you can always schedule like an appointment to get a pregnancy pelvic exam done which determines how far along you are. It’s like a pelvic sizing.
CALLER: Oh, okay. Well, do you know, it’s just, I’m worried because like my friend told me that since like I’m going to be 14 in March that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?
CLINIC: See, I know for a fact that if your boyfriend is 22 and you are 14 we would have to report that to the police.
CLINIC: Because you’re a minor, and that’s illegal. It’s called statutory rape.
CALLER: But he’s not raping me.
CLINIC: Oh, I know.
CALLER: We’re in love. We’re going to get married.
CLINIC: I know. Even though it’s consensual, it’s just because you’re 14 years old, because you’re still considered a child.
CALLER: Well, is he going to go to jail?
CALLER: Well, I don’t want him to go to jail. I mean, he can’t go to jail. He’s the only one that’s here for me.
CLINIC: Well, I really — I know for a fact that your parents would have to know about that because you are 14 years old.
CALLER: But they can’t find out at all. I mean, if — if they found out I don’t know what would happen.
CLINIC: Let me ask you a few questions. Have you had a positive pregnancy test?
CLINIC: Okay. Have you missed your period?
CALLER: Well, yeah. That’s why I’m worried. I haven’t had my period since like December 21st, and I’m scared.
CLINIC: Well, what I would do before you stress yourself out anymore, you know, because I know how stressed you probably are right now, is I would get a pregnancy test just to make sure, you know, maybe ease your nerves a little bit. And then —
CALLER: Well, could I come there for that?
CLINIC: Yes, you can come here for that, but just so you know we may ask you a few questions about your partner and what not, and we would have to report you because you are 14 years old.
CALLER: Oh. Well, would it be better if I didn’t say anything about him?
CLINIC: Well, it wouldn’t necessarily be better.
CLINIC: Okay? And if you feel uncomfortable with that whole situation you can always go and just buy a pregnancy test over the counter at a drugstore.
CALLER: Oh. Are those usually right though?
CLINIC: Oh, yeah. They’re the same ones we use here.
CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant could I come in there and get birth control?
CLINIC: You most definitely can.
CALLER: But would you have to tell anybody about that though?
CALLER: Oh, okay.
CALLER: But, so you wouldn’t tell anybody about my boyfriend if I got birth control?
CLINIC: Um, well you see, what I’m trying to say is the fact that you’re 14 and your boyfriend’s 22, even though it’s consensual it’s still statutory rape. Okay? And we’re mandated reporters here. We would have to report that, okay?
CALLER: Oh, okay.
CLINIC: There’s no way we could not report it.
CLINIC: All right?
CALLER: All right. Well, what can I do then?
CLINIC: Well, it’s your decision or what you choose to do with your body? You can still come in for birth control. That is not a problem at all, and you can come here for a pregnancy test. But you know, it’s basically your own decision on what you want to do.
CALLER: All right.
CLINIC: If you have any further questions, please give us a call, all right?
CLINIC: All right.
(phone clicks)
#813 – Family Planning Associates Medical Group in Fresno, CA
Listen to the Call:
FRESNO, CA 93701
TAPE – 813
(Dialing, phone ringing 1x)
CLINIC: Family Planning and Associates. Magda (sp) speaking. How can I help you?
CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.
CLINIC: Yes, we do.
CALLER: How much does it cost for that?
CLINIC: $370.
CALLER: 370?
CLINIC: Um-hmm.
CALLER: I’m just kind of scared. I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of everything and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?
CLINIC: Hold just a minute.
CLINIC: How old are you?
CALLER: I’m going to be 14 later on this month.
CLINIC: (Unclear)
CALLER: I can’t hear you. What?
CLINIC: You’re 13 now?
CALLER: Right, yeah. But I’ll be 14 on the 19th.
CLINIC: We’ll still have to report you to CPS.
CALLER: To who? I can’t hear you.
CLINIC: Because that’s the law.
CALLER: Well, why would you have to tell the law anything?
CLINIC: It’s not the law, it’s CPS.
CALLER: Well, why would you have to tell them anything?
CLINIC: (Unclear).
CALLER: Would they have to tell my parents?
CLINIC: They probably will.
CALLER: Well, they can’t tell my parents. I mean, is there anywhere else I could go?
CLINIC: Anywhere you go, because of the age that you are. You’re 13 and your boyfriend’s 22.
CALLER: Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test without you guys telling?
CLINIC: Oh, you can come in for a pregnancy test.
CALLER: But would you guys have to tell?
CLINIC: (Unclear).
CALLER: I can barely hear you. Can you talk any later?
CLINIC: We won’t say anything. We won’t report you. But if you want to have an abortion with us, then we do have to report you to CPS.
CALLER: Oh. So I can get a pregnancy test just to make sure? I mean, I haven’t had one yet. I just haven’t had my period since like the 15th of January, and I’m scared.
CLINIC: You really need to come in and take a pregnancy test. We charge $10.
CALLER: Okay. If it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys?
CLINIC: No. You would bring (unclear).
CALLER: Okay. But would they have to tell anybody?
CLINIC: You have to wait until you absolutely certain.
CLINIC: You have to wait until you’re (unclear).
CLINIC: All righty?
CALLER: If I had any other questions, could I call and talk to you? What was your name?
CLINIC: Sure. My name is Magda. And you can call me as many times as you want.
CALLER: All right. Thanks.
CLINIC: You’re welcome.
#309 – Planned Parenthood in Fresno, CA
Listen to the Call:
FRESNO, CA 93728-3476
TAPE – 309
(Dialing, phone did not ring)
RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood, the Van Ness Clinic.
(Message repeated in Spanish)
If this is an emergency, please hang up and dial 911. If you know the extension of your party, please dial it now. For clinic hours, services and directions, please press 3. You may drop in for the following services– pregnancy testing, emergency contraceptives, birth control refills and Depo-Provera injection. To speak to a receptionist or to schedule an appointment, please press zero. Thank you.
One moment please while I transfer your call.
CLINIC: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood. May I help you?
CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I called another office that told me to call you guys. I talked to a lady named Michele. And she said to call you guys after I talked to my boyfriend. And I talked to him last night, so I was calling you guys now.
CLINIC: Okay. You’re calling us for what reason?
CALLER: Well, she said that you guys do abortions there.
CLINIC: Okay. How many weeks are you?
CALLER: I’m not sure. I think she said that I was around 10 weeks.
CLINIC: When was the first day of your last period?
CALLER: It was probably like December 14th. But you guys do do abortions there?
CLINIC: Yeah, we do. We only do them up to 14 weeks. Do you want to come in the 21st tomorrow for an ultra sound?
CALLER: She said that you guys could actually answer some questions that I had. My friend told me that since I’ll be 14 in March that you guys have to tell my parents and have them sign some stuff. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he sign whatever it is?
CLINIC: No, he doesn’t need to sign anything, and your parents don’t need to sign anything.
CLINIC: How old are you?
CALLER: I’ll be 14 in March.
CLINIC: Okay. Hold on one second, okay?
RECORDING: We know your time is important and appreciate your patience while on hold. Every effort is being made to make your wait as short as possible. Thank you for holding.
Thank you for holding. Someone will be right with you. Your call is very important to us. We appreciate your patience —
CLINIC: Yeah, we can see you without your parents’ signature.
CLINIC: Are you going to be paying cash or Medi-Cal?
CALLER: My boyfriend would pay cash for it. How much is it?
CLINIC: It’s $45 tomorrow. And how much is —
CALLER: What all does that cover?
CLINIC: I’m sorry?
CALLER: What all does that cover?
CLINIC: Only the ultra sound and the blood work.
CALLER: How much does the abortion cost?
CLINIC: It can be anywhere from 350 up to 500.
CALLER: What’s the difference?
CLINIC: It depends how many weeks you are. And you’re farther along, so it would probably be more.
CALLER: Oh, okay.
CLINIC: Yeah. Can you apply for emergency Medi-Cal?
CALLER: No, nobody can know.
CLINIC: You can’t?
CALLER: Well, my parents can’t find out at all.
CLINIC: But Medi-Cal won’t let them know.
CALLER: I’m just scared. My boyfriend said he would take care of everything.
CLINIC: For tomorrow it’s $45. And tomorrow they will let you know how much it’s going to be for the procedure.
CALLER: Okay. Well, do you know if he could bring me? Is that all right?
CLINIC: Yeah, but the day of the procedure he needs to wait outside. He can’t be in the room with you. But tomorrow he can, but not for the procedure.
CLINIC: So do you want to come in tomorrow at 8:00?
CALLER: Well, I’d have to call my boyfriend and see, but I think so, maybe.
CLINIC: Do you want to give us a call back?
CALLER: Well, when would the procedure be done?
CLINIC: I’m sorry?
CALLER: When would the procedure be done?
CLINIC: That I can’t tell you over the phone. They’ll let you know tomorrow.
CALLER: Oh, all right. But you guys don’t have to tell anybody that I was there for anything?
CLINIC: You mean to your parents?
CALLER: Well, anybody.
CLINIC: So do you want to give us a call back when you’re sure if you want to come in the morning or —
CALLER: Well, yeah. I have to talk to him and see. What was your name to call you back?
CLINIC: Leanna.
CLINIC: Okay? What was your name?
CALLER: I’m Christine.
CLINIC: Okay, Christine. Give us a call back when you know more or less. Because that way I can make the appointment for when you can come in.
CALLER: Okay. I had one more quick question. Could I get birth control there if I wasn’t pregnant?
CALLER: And you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody that I was on birth control at all?
CLINIC: No. No, that’s confidential. I mean, the only person that would know is whoever you told.
CALLER: Okay. Would you guys have to ask my boyfriend any questions or have him fill out anything? He just doesn’t want anyone to know about him.
CLINIC: No. He’s not coming for anything; you are.
CLINIC: So we want your information. Even though we’re going to ask for an address, we’re going to ask for everything, but we’re not going to send anything to your house.
CALLER: But I can’t give you my parents’ address. My parents can’t find out at all. Is there anything else I could give you besides that?
CLINIC: We need an address.
CALLER: Can I give you my boyfriend’s address?
CLINIC: Yeah, uh-huh.
CALLER: And like his phone number and all his information and stuff? But you guys won’t say anything about him?
CLINIC: We don’t call. The thing is, we don’t call if you tell us that it’s confidential and you want to keep it confidential. The only reason that we call is in case of an emergency. And if we do call, we say that we’re Marty, like a friend of yours from school or whatever. So we will identify us like that.
CALLER: Well, what kind of emergency would happen?
CLINIC: I’m sorry?
CALLER: Well, what could happen that you would have to call? What do you mean?
CLINIC: Well, I don’t know. If you got into an accident here or something happened to you, I don’t know. But in case of emergency we have to have someone to call. You know what I’m saying?
CALLER: And you’re Leanna?
CLINIC: Uh-huh.
CALLER: Thank you.
CLINIC: Uh-huh. Bye bye.