Don’t Just Speak, Act
While the pro-life movement has had a long and bumpy journey, and will continue to face obstacles, we are winning. So it is even more important that we ACT on a daily basis.
On the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, it is easy to remember the grim fact that abortion is legal in America.
As the pro-abortion crowd praises abortion, they are also scrambling to keep it legal. They know that more and more people are pro-life and the stigma that is associated with abortion is becoming even darker in the public’s eyes.
While the pro-life movement has had a long and bumpy journey, and will continue to face obstacles, we are winning.
Thousands of pro-life advocates gather in Washington D.C. every year to March for Life. And, across the country, thousands speak up on the anniversary when abortion became legal in America.
But the fight against abortion is an everyday battle.
So while it is important to gather together to speak up, it is even more important that we ACT on a daily basis.
“President Reagan once accurately defined the pro-life movement as ‘the nation’s conscience’ on the abortion issue. The problem is, when people want to do something they know is evil, or stand around and do nothing while others commit evil, their conscience becomes their enemy.”
page 152 of Siege by Mark Crutcher
Saving every child from abortion, which is our goal, may seem like a monumental task- but it is possible.
Every person that is pro-life needs to do something to save babies.
Many are often overwhelmed or don’t know where to start. There are many ways that you can save babies. The pro-life movement is filled with all kinds of people with different talents and skills. The important thing is that you use those talents and skills to help save lives and put an end to abortion!
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