Church to host Planned Parenthood abortion celebration

After an online blogger documented that a Wichita church is planning to host a celebration of abortion for Planned Parenthood, phone calls to the church began to roll in. A screen grab of the celebration posted by Planned Parenthood names the church, as St. James Episcopal Church. They are calling the event: Chili for Choice….

After an online blogger documented that a Wichita church is planning to host a celebration of abortion for Planned Parenthood, phone calls to the church began to roll in.

A screen grab of the celebration posted by Planned Parenthood names the church, as St. James Episcopal Church.

PP Chili for Choice

They are calling the event: Chili for Choice.

The church claims they are hosting a “fundraiser” for Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid Missouri on January 22, 2015, the anniversary of the 42nd Roe V. Wade Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion on demand.

A man named David has posted a video of a call he made to the church and told them he plans to protest the event.

The church is claiming that Planned Parenthood in Wichita does not perform abortions- yet their website shows they refer for abortion.

PP Wichita Abortion

Life Dynamics president, Mark Crutcher has commented on the idea that those who claim to be Christians can also be pro-choice on abortion, “The fact is,” Crutcher said, “When someone is pro-choice, what they are saying is that life is not a right inherited from God but a privilege bestowed by human beings who can withhold it if they “choose” to do so. They are also selling the idea that God is somehow neutral on whether a child He created is brutally torn limb from limb.”

Obviously, from a Christian perspective, these arguments are absurd. Remember this. A fundamental tenant of Christian doctrine is that God is the author of life and that He is incapable of making mistakes. Now if you believe those two things, the only rational conclusion you can draw is that, when life exists in the womb, it is God’s will that it be there. Since the goal of abortion is to deny that will, support for its legality is, by definition, incompatible with Christian belief,” he stated.

You can read more here.

Additional Roe V. Wade abortion “celebrations” have been documented here.

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