The Unpopular Truth About “Pro-Life Democrats”

The Unpopular Truth About “Pro-Life Democrats”

I would love to believe in the concept of “pro-life Democrats” but that requires me to deny some undeniable realities. To begin with, these people support a political party that has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to killing the unborn for any reason whatsoever or no reason whatsoever, and at any point of pregnancy. They…

Norma McCorvey Recants?

Norma McCorvey Recants?

Norma McCorvey is the woman whose case before the Supreme Court (Roe v. Wade) ended up making abortion on demand legal in all 50 states.  She later publicly rejected the position she had taken and became a pro-life activist and author.  Now claims are being made that her conversion was not real and was, instead,…

Perspective On The Coronavirus

Perspective On The Coronavirus

Today, we are seeing our nation, and indeed the entire world, being attacked by the Coronavirus. Our environment is changing by the hour and where this is headed only God knows. We must pray for President Trump and the team of medical experts he has put together. But we must also not forget that the…



As we inch closer and closer to God’s wonderful gift of Himself and Christmas, it’s important for us to pause and reflect on why we fight so hard to end abortion.

The Power of Self-Delusion

The Power of Self-Delusion

Over the years, George Orwell’s observation that some things are so stupid only an intellectual could believe them has proven to be frighteningly accurate. The entire pro-choice position is a testament to the fact that the human brain is the only organism in nature that has the ability to intentionally deceive itself.

Rhetorical Sandpaper

Rhetorical Sandpaper

We all know that language plays a crucial role in the battle over abortion. And it is no secret that the American abortion lobby is extraordinarily talented in the manipulation and distortion of rhetoric. It is also true that their loyal little lapdogs in the media have memorized and employed all the verbal gymnastics their…