Hillary Clinton defended Partial Birth Abortion

2016 Democrat presidential hopeful, Hillary Rodham Clinton is so extreme on abortion that she once defended the horrific partial birth abortion procedure. In 2003, a law to ban Partial Birth Abortion came before the US Senate, and then Senator Hillary Clinton defended the gruesome late term procedure, opposed by a majority of American people. The…

Dallas abortion clinic set to close due to pro-life law

A Dallas abortion clinic is set to close Saturday following a court decision which upheld strict pro-life laws in the state. A representative of the Routh Street abortion facility which has legally killed children “for decades” told a caller to the clinic that the death mill will only be “serving” a few more patients before…

Pro-life leaders call for Republicans to schedule a vote on Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

A group of national pro-life leaders have released a joint statement urging House Republican Leadership to schedule a vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Pro-life leaders say that babies and mothers being targeted by the late-term abortion industry have waited long enough for protection. “The Senate stands ready to take up this legislation….

2nd pro-life protest to target Boehner over late term abortion

Pro-life leaders say they have planned a second protest at Speaker John Boehner’s office if there is further delay on a late term abortion ban. Several local and national pro-life groups say they are organizing the demonstration at the Republican Speaker’s office, if the U.S. House does not pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act….

Texas politics: Don’t mess with a “Former Fetus”

A Texas legislator said that his “Former Fetus” sign was ripped down at the State Capitol, after posting it in opposition to Planned Parenthood’s lobby day. Rep. Jonathan Stickland describes himself as a Conservative Christian Republican currently serving in the Texas State House for District 92. Yesterday, he received quite a bit of media attention…

GOP Speaker target of pro-life demonstration over late term abortion ban

Activists are organizing a pro-life demonstration at the offices of the GOP Speaker to call on him to reschedule a vote on a bill that would make abortions after 20 weeks illegal. Organizers, Rev. Patrick Mahoney and Jill Stanek say they plan to hold a peaceful sit-in at the offices of Speaker John Boehner on…

Millennials confront Congressional reps on abortion

At 22 weeks pregnant, Students for Life Capital Area Regional Coordinator, Michele Hendrickson, visited the offices of several Congressional Representatives in Washington, D.C. with other millennials yesterday to bring up their concerns about abortion. Hendrickson reflected on the day when she wrote, “The biggest disappointment of the day? Meeting with Congressman Tim Ryan’s (D-OH) Chief…

Pro-lifers to protest office of Rep. Renee Ellmers over abortion

Pro-lifers already assembling in Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life which mourns the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion on demand, are also planning protests at the offices a Rep. Renee Ellmers as well as Senator Mitch McConnell. This morning, Rev. Pat Mahoney led pro-lifers in prayer at outside offices of…

Pro-life boots replace Abortion Barbie’s pink shoes in Texas Senate

There’s a new sheriff is in town, is how one Dallas paper reported on the woman replacing Wendy Davis who paraded onto the Texas Senate floor wearing pro-life boots this week. Radical pro-abortion Texas Senator, Wendy Davis, made her claim to fame standing on the Texas House floor to filibuster a bill that would limit…