Will more abortion clinics in Texas close?
Speculation is increasing that more abortion clinics in Texas will close due to the court upholding strict pro-life laws in the state. Last week, Life Dynamics’ reported that the Dallas Routh Street abortion clinic was closing due to recently upheld pro-life laws and more clinics could be on the verge of closing now that the…
Speculation is increasing that more abortion clinics in Texas will close due to the court upholding strict pro-life laws in the state.
Last week, Life Dynamics’ reported that the Dallas Routh Street abortion clinic was closing due to recently upheld pro-life laws and more clinics could be on the verge of closing now that the Fifth Circuit has upheld the state’s pro-life measures.
Today, the Ft Worth Star Telegraph has reported that the Whole Woman’s Health abortion clinic in Ft. Worth might be forced to close as well.
Whole Women’s Health vs. Cole is the recently decided case which upheld Texas law HB2, which requires that abortion facilities comply with the minimum health and safety standards adopted by the State for ambulatory surgical centers, and that abortionists have admitting privileges in a local hospital near an abortion clinic.
The paper is reporting that only a few years ago, Texas had more than 40 abortion clinics but only fewer than 10 may stay open if the law is allowed to be enforced.
In 2013, after the law passed, Life Dynamics contacted members of the Texas medical community to warn them that the abortion lobby might try to recruit doctors to become abortionists, due to the hospital privilege requirement that most abortionists do not hold.
Needless to say that project created quite a stir among the abortion lobby which you can read about here.
According to Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, “Immediately after the ruling, the abortion lobby went into melt-down mode with a lot of hand-wringing and arm-flapping about how the state’s abortion clinics could not meet these standards and would have to close. This, of course, was accompanied by dire warnings that every city in Texas was about to be littered with the dead bodies of women killed because these places were being put out of business. I guess we are supposed to conclude that abortion clinics are the only things keeping women alive.”
Life Dynamics knows about the dangers of abortion.
They have published a list of women killed from legal abortion, including autopsy images of Marla Cardemone who died during her abortion at the age of 19.
You can view the names and images here.
In 2013, Whole Woman’s Health (WWH) announced that they could not comply with the new safety standards and were shutting down three of their five facilities.
Despite Planned Parenthood president, Cecile Richards traveling the country saying that the Texas laws are not about the safety of women, in October of 2013, the Beaumont Whole Woman’s abortion center was inspected and what authorities found was abysmal.
According to the state inspection report for the Beaumont center, Whole Woman’s failed to have some of the same life-saving tools on site that convicted abortionist Kermit Gosnell was cited for in Pennsylvania.
Now, according to the Star-Telegram, despite the Ft. Worth abortion facility being open and killing babies, they are expected to close due to the recent court ruling.
However, the news of the possible closing is conflicting.
A representative of the Ft. Worth abortion clinic told a Life Dynamics caller that they have had to close and reopen multiple times due to the new law.
They said that they are still scheduling procedures some of which they will even perform on Sunday.
The clinic, thinking they were speaking to an abortion patient, told the caller that they had no plans to close again at this time.
In the meantime, the abortion industry is taking a blow and they are asking the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to hold off on enforcing the ruling until they can appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.
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