Remembering Mark Crutcher
Life Dynamics founder & president, Marcus “Mark” Crutcher III (74), passed away on March 9, 2023, in Denton, Texas.
Life Dynamics founder & president, Marcus “Mark” Crutcher III (74), passed away on March 9, 2023, in Denton, Texas.
The tension that has always existed between the so-called “purists”, and those who sincerely believe in the incremental approach to legislation, could pose a bigger threat to the pro-life movement’s legislative agenda than is posed by the abortion lobby itself.
Don’t be fooled by the abortion lobby’s faux shock; June 24th was a day they had been long expecting – and they had a plan. For the past few years, they have been advocating and pushing legislation enshrining abortion in individual states’ constitutions in the hope of creating abortion havens in a post-Roe America. To anyone who thinks this sounds like the rantings of a tin-foil hat wearer, let’s take a look at California.
If the public is overwhelmingly pro-choice, why is the pro-choice mob outraged at the idea of allowing the public to decide the country’s abortion policies?
The interesting thing is, this “pro-science” cult is dominated by people who throw science out the window the moment it comes to abortion and the unborn child.
For years, scientists have been working on developing birth control pills for men – to no success. My question though, is do they honestly think that male birth control pills will take off?
The pro-life movement must be careful when using the language that the abortion industry has pushed on society. Let us not fall for their marketing campaigns or attempts at making abortion seem “normal.”
Mark Crutcher joins Pieter Bos and Cameron Côté on their podcast The Pro-Life Guys, to discuss some of the hidden and terrible scandals of the abortion industry that Life Dynamics has uncovered.
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